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PELT Chapter3 Speaking

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1 What is speaking?
2 Background to teaching speaking
3 Principles for teaching speaking
4 Classroom techniques and tasks
5 Speaking in the classroom


Speaking in a new language is harder than reading, writing, listening.
→ Because it happens in a real time and also we cannot edit saying.

1) Audiolingual repetition drills
⚫ Object : familiarizing students with sounds and structural patterns of the target language by practicing grammatical structures and then later using them in conversation.
2) Behaviorism
⚫ As the concept of habit formation, it is the theoretical basis of the audiolingual method.
⚫ Object : forming good habit with lessons involving much repetition, without make bad habit treating spoken errors quickly.
⚫ Limit : actual conversations are not like the text book dialogue.
→ late 20th : realizing to learn language by interacting with others.
3) Communicative language teaching
⚫ Weak version : teaching the components of language but including communication activities
⚫ Strong version : communicating target language downplaying accuracy and emphasizing how students communicate

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