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Give me Deregulation or Death

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
4페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기




Let us imagine that we go into war wearing handcuffs? How would we feel? Surely, we have a premonition of death. It sound like a foolish dream, but the soundless war in the field of Fintech, which is formed from the words “Financial” and “Technology.”, is already started in the world. According to the statistics of Alibaba, which is the most biggerst company of e-commerce in China, the members of Alipay are more than 800 million(송지유, 2014) and commercial banks lose ground in the financial market. IT companies in the financial market have strong influence on the entire world economy. However, the regulations in Korea prevent the companies from developing Fintech business. It is important to argue about getting rid of regulations because it decides whether the financial field in Korea can survive or not in the world financial market. Those who agree with maintaining regulations insist that, since financial business deals with money, a protection through regulation is necessary.

참고 자료

송지유, 민도윤 "알리페이, 그들은 어떻게 8억명을 사로잡았나?" moneytoday news n.p.
신수정 "IE의 플러그인, “애증”의 액티브X" Itworld news(2014) n.p.
홍정규 이지헌 김승욱 차지연 홍국기 "은행들, 4년동안 외국인 주주에 3조원 배당했다." 연합뉴스 20 November 2014
배준희, 강승태 "[SPECIAL REPORT 2] ‘핀테크(Finance+Technology)’ 금융혁명 시작됐다." 매경 이코노미(2014) : n.p.
유세균 "스타트업 정부지원금은 계륵일까?" n. d. 11 July 2014
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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    Finally, I will give you some the latest ... service but the company delayed it over the death ... in the dialogue body also agreed to seek deregulation
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Give me Deregulation or Death
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