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Limnology R.G.Wetzel 육수학 요약

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Water in the biosphere consists of 97.61% of ocean and the rest 2.39% is glaciers, ground water, fresh and saline lakes, and rivers. It takes 3100 years to renew for ocean.

Fig 3-1
Large inland waters of word comparison. Inland waters are created by tectonic plate, lake, river (oxbow), glacier, wind and solution types. Aral sea is disappearing in size since 1957 due to diversion. In 1989-1990 it separated into two parts called the large Aral and the small Aral.
Fig 6-9
In Martin lake of LaGrange County, Indiana in 1963-64, after winter when glacier melts lake stratifies from late march till November. During June, every 1m depth the isothermal variations from 0m 26℃ to 2m 24℃, 4m 12℃, and 12m 3.6℃.

Table 4-1
Water resources and annual water balance of the continents of the world shows that Asia has the largest area with precipitation level of 32690km3 and evaporation of 19500. In a lake with high salinity, the input of water is low but evaporation level is high.

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