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이차전지 음극 대표물질 Metal Oxide PPT 발표자료

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
42페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
가격 3,500원 할인쿠폰받기


The First part is introduction. I will describe about ‘What is the metal oxide?’ In this part, I will cover of the basic concepts of metal oxide such as definition and formula. The second part is the transition metal oxide anode. The transition metal oxide anode divides into two branches, one is the intercalation type and the other is conversion type. I will explain these two type of transition metal oxide in detail later.
The third part is recent researches of transition metal oxide anode and this is the solutions of disadvantage of TMO Anode. One is ‘Multi-Shelled Mixed Metal Oxide Hollow Spheres’ and the other is ‘Self-Assembled Fe3O4 Nanoparticle Clusters’. Finally, I will reveal the sources of material.


Ⅰ. Introduction : What is the Metal Oxide?

Ⅱ. Transition Metal Oxide Anode
1. Intercalation Type
1) Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) and TiO2
2) MnO2
2. Conversion(Redox) Type
1) Fe3O4

Ⅲ. Recent Researches of TMO Anode : Solutions of Disadvantages of TMO Anode
1. Multi-Shelled Mixed Metal Oxide Hollow Spheres
2. Self-Assembled Fe3O4 Nanoparticle Clusters

Ⅳ. Reference


1. What is the Metal Oxide?
The metallic compounds which are formed with metal and oxygen in the form of oxide ion (O2-) are called as metal oxide.
c.f.) Named : METAL (Oxidation number) OXIDE

The definition of the metal oxide is "The metallic compounds which are formed with metal and oxygen in the form of oxide ion (O2-) are called as metal oxide.

참고 자료

S. Lee, S. Yu, J. Lee, A. Jin, D. Lee, N. Lee, H. Jo, K. Shin, T. Ahn, Y. Kim, H. Choe, Y. Sung, T. Hyeon, ‘Self-Assembled Fe3O4 Nanoparticle Clusters as High-Performance Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries via Geometric Confinement’, Nano Lett. 2013, 13, 4249-4256
U. K. Sen, A. Shaligram, S. Mitra, ‘Intercalation Anode Material for Lithium Ion Battery Based on Molybdenum Dioxide’,  Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6 (16), pp 14311–14319
J. Park, ‘Effect of Fluoroethylene Carbonate on the Electrochemical Battery Performance and Surface Film Formation Mechanism of Amorphous MoO2 Lithium-Ion Secondary Battery Negative Electrodes’, Thesis(M. A.)of SNU, 2014, 660.6
‘Intercalation’, Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intercalation_(chemistry)
‘Metal Oxide’, Tutorvista.com, http://chemistry.tutorvista.com/inorganic-chemistry/metal-oxide.html
‘Materials for LIBs’, In Class Material
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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