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마케팅 핫식스-영문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
8페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1.Situation Analysis
2.Description of STP
3.Description of Marketing Mix(4P)


From now on, I'm going to explain situation analysis of Hot 6. It is composed of current market situation, market performance, major competitors , SWOT analysis , marketing objectives and sales & market share.
Let's talk about energy drink market first. Energy drink is popular among young people. About 80% of Sales of Hot 6 sold in convenience store and 70~80% of major consumer layer is composed of 20~30's men. Especially, its profit is increased tenfold during the examination period surroundings of University. From business world's viewpoint, energy drink doesn't adhere to season so that its profit increases continuously.

<중 략>

So far, I talked about situation analysis. From now on, I'll handle market segmentation , targeting and positioning so called 'STP'.
In the case of 'Segmentation', Hot 6 used demographic data to segment. There are some demographic factors such as region,age, gender, job. Especially, Hot 6 foused on 'age' because they regarded age as the most effective strategy for promote its brand as the energy drink.

참고 자료

http://www.wowtv.co.kr/newscenter/news/view.asp?bcode=T30001000&artid= A201301270007
http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype.htm?id=201205210100175050013058&s ervicedate=20120521
http://news.heraldcorp.com/view.php?ud=20120927000897&md= 20120930003125_BK
http://sports.chosun.com/news/ntype.htm?id=2011030801000707500044 83&servicedate=20110308
http://www.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?SCD=JC21&newsid=0174 4966596416856&DCD=A00302&OutLnkChk=Y
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    에너지 음료 6 시간 동안 뜨거운 에너지를 분출한다는 의미로 숫자 6 을 영문 ... 경영 분석 03 이슈 04 해결방안 에너지 음료라는 새로운 시장 광고 마케팅 ... 이성을 유혹하라 HOT SIX GIRL 걸 그룹 열풍 현상을 잘 이용한 마케팅
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