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A Disagreement towards Hairstyle Restriction

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Most of the students in South Korea cannot have the freedom to have their own hairstyle they want to have. According to Newsis (2014), out of 294 students of Chungbuk area, over 69% of high school students answered that their school regulated students’ hair style (para. 4) (All translation from Korean are my own). In addition, According to Kim (2015), those high schools with regulation have their own certain rules on hair style, for example, back hair should not be longer than 7cm or front hair should not be as long as the hair reaches the eyebrow (para. 3). Most of the students are still arguing that there should be no regulation on their hairstyle. According to Lee (2009), out of 21,719 middle and high school students, 52% answered that they agree with the liberalization of the hairstyle (para. 1). Furthermore, over half of the 400 high school students in Incheon area showed their hope of the liberalization of the hairstyle to the 2014 new superintendent of education (Hwang, 2014, para. 5). I totally agree with the liberalization of the hairstyle in school.

참고 자료

Hwang, H. (2014. June 24). “Sae gyo-yook-gam-nim Doo-bal-gyu-jae wan-hwa-ha-geo-na pye-ji-hae-joo-sae-yoo” [“New superintendent of education, please let us be free from constrain of hairstyle]. Sisa-incheon. Retrieved from http://www.bpnews.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=28103
Kim, M. (2015. March 03). IL-boo Go-gyo il-ryul-jeock ‘doo-bal gyu-jeong’ gang-yo yeo-jeon [Some schools are still restricting student’s hairstyle]. Kyeonggi-ilbo. Retrieved from http://www.kyeonggi.com/news/articleView.html?idxno=922028
Kim, Y. (2013. October 01). Hak-seang 4 myeong jung 1 myeong “Chea bul gyeong hum∙ mok gyok”…”Doobal gyujae, seongjeok-gwa moo gwan” 93% [1 out of 4 students has experience of getting punished or seeing other students punished. And 93% of students says restricting hairstyle is not related to grades]. The Kyunghyang Shinmun. Retrieved from http://news.khan.co.kr/kh_news/khan_art_view.html?artid=201310010600055&code=940401
Lee, W. (2009. September 22). “Jung-Go-saeng doo-bal ja-yoo-hwa chan-seong” 52% [Middle & high school students agreeing to freedom of hairstyle in school]. Dong-a-ilbo. Retrieved from http://news.donga.com/List/Series_70080000000020/3/70080000000020/20001012/7593593/1
Ministry of Government Legislation. (1987. October 29). Daehan-mingook-heon-beob [The Constitution of South Korea]. Ministry of Government Legislation of South Korea. Retrieved from http://www.law.go.kr/lsEfInfoP.do?lsiSeq=61603#
Na, S (2008. August 11). Doobal Ja-yoo! Hacksaeng in-kwon bo-jang-in-ga, ja-yoo-rle neom-eo-seon bang-im-in-ga [Freedom of hairstyle! Protecting students’ right or neglecting?]. Hankook-Gyeongjae. Retrieved from http://sgsg.hankyung.com/apps.frm/news.view?nkey=5104&c1=03&c2=01
Newsis. (2014, November 3). Hak-gyo-seo chea-bul∙gyujae yeojeon ∙ ∙ ∙Hak-seang-in-kyeon Chim-hae sim-gak [Still physical punishment and restriction on students’ hairstyle in school∙∙∙ violated students’ right]. Newsis. Retrieved from http://www.newsis.com/ar_detail/view.html?ar_id=NISX20141103_0013272251&cID=10806&pID=10800
Ohmynews. (2013. February 02). “E-jae-neon dan-bal-ryeong nae-ril-ddea-ga dae-ji ahn-at-na-yo?” [“Don’t you think it is the time to stop regulating hairstyle?”]. Ohmynews. Retrieved from http://blog.ohmynews.com/chamstory/492031
Park, Y., & Kim, M. (2010. December 28). Gyuack-no-hyun, chaebol jeon-myeon-geum-ji e-eo “hack-saeng doo-bal∙bokjang ja-youl-hwa” [Gyuack-no-hyun, “No regulation on student’s hairstyle and clothes” after accepting no corporal punishment]. Joongangilbo. Retrieved from http://news.joins.com/article/4848892
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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