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Polydiacetylene(PDA) for biosensors

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21페이지/파워포인트파일 MS 파워포인트
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Polydiacetylene(PDA) 폴리디아세틸렌의 biosensor 바이오센서로서의 이용에 대한 자료입니다.
Conjugated Polymer (CP)에 대한 설명, 폴리디아세틸렌의 특징, 센서로서의 메커니즘, 응용, 검출, 단점과 해결 방안 등을 논의한 내용이 있습니다.
바이오센서 혹은 폴리디아세틸렌에 관한 정보를 얻으실 수 있습니다.


1. Conjugated Polymer (CP)

2. Polydiacetylene(PDA)
1) Preparation protocols of PDA
1-1) Langmuir-Blodgett(LB)
2) Optical and emissive properties of PDA

3. Application of PDA sensor
1) PDA chip sensor
2) PDA strip sensor
3) PDA fiber sensor
4) Scheme of PDA sensor applications

4. Detection of biological targets
1) Influenza virus detection
2) Ion detection
3) Cyclodextrin detection

5. Research to overcome a drawback

6. Conclusion and discussion


1. What is a conjugated polymer?
-Containing alternating saturated/unsaturated bond
-Delocalized π-electrons through polymer’s backbones

2. Characteristics of CP
-Unique optical and electronic properties.
-Applications; field-effect transistors, polymer actuators, light-emitting materials, sensors and solar cells.
-Sensitive to environmental perturbations thanks to their absorption and emission properties.

3. Kinds of CPs
-Phenylene ethynylenes

참고 자료

Charych, D. H., Nagy, J. O., Spevak, W., & Bednarski, M. D. (1993). Direct colorimetric detection of a receptor-ligand interaction by a polymerized bilayer assembly. Science, 261(5121), 585-588.
Lipatov, Y. S., & Feinerman, A. E. (1971). The Concentration Dependence of Surface Tension of Polymer Solutions. The Journal of Adhesion, 3(1), 3-12.
Lee, J. S. (2011). Molecular Design and Self-assembly of Polydiacetylene for Biosensors and Sensor Arrays (Doctoral dissertation, The University of Michigan).
Direct, A. Multiplex Biosensor Platform for Pathogen Detection Based on Cross-linked Polydiacetylene (PDA) Supramolecules Park. Cheol Hee, 3703-3710.
Yoon, B., Lee, S., & Kim, J. M. (2009). Recent conceptual and technological advances in polydiacetylene-based supramolecular chemosensors. Chemical Society Reviews, 38(7), 1958-1968.
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Polydiacetylene(PDA) for biosensors
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