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[화학실험] 태양전지 pre-report (예비레포트)

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12페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
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* 본 문서는 한글 2005 이상 버전에서 작성된 문서입니다. 한글 2002 이하 프로그램에서는 열어볼 수 없으니, 한글 뷰어프로그램(한글 2005 이상)을 설치하신 후 확인해주시기 바랍니다.


화학실험 태양전지 관련 실험 예비레포트 입니다.
영문으로 작성되어 있습니다.


1. Theory & Summary
2. Chemical Information
3. Procedure



1. Theory & Summary
-Nanocrystal solar cell
Nanocrystal solar cells or quantum dot solar cells, are solar cells based on a silicon substrate with a coating of nanocrystals.
While previous methods of quantum dot creation relied on expensive molecular beam epitaxy processes, fabrication using colloidal synthesis allows for a more cost-effective manufacture. A thin film of nanocrystals is obtained by a process known as “spin-coating”. This involves placing an amount of the quantum dot solution onto a flat substrate, which is then rotated very quickly. The solution spreads out uniformly, and the substrate is spun until the required thickness is achieved.
Quantum dot based photovoltaic cells based around dye-sensitised colloidal films were investigated in 1991 and were found to exhibit promising efficiency of converting incident light energy to electrical energy, and were found to be incredibly encouraging due to the low cost of materials in the search for more commercially viable/affordable renewable energy sources.

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