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Metallurgical Microsope Test , 금속현미경 실험 결과보고서, 금속현미경, 고체역학실험 레포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 1,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction
(1) Purpose
(2) Equipment of the experiment
(3) the explanation of the heat treatment
(4) The figure of the equilibrium condition of Fe-C
(5) Structure of steel

2. Methods

3. Results

4. Discussion

5. Conclusion

6. Reference


1. Introduction
(1) Purpose
Why we do heat treatment. Because heat treatment is a main method to change properties of material, to test the heat treatment process, to Observe grains of the test-specimen on the surface of the material by using metallurgical microscope and to understand the principle of the heat treatment. and we can deeply know theories for the heat treatment by comparing result with theoretical value with this experiment.

(2) Equipment of the experiment
① Metallurgical Microscope: Observe grains on the surface of the test-specimen. Metallurgical Microscope is connected to the digital camera and can save the jpg image file, using the connected digital camera.
② Polishing machine: the equipment is used for the polishing, polishing machine supplies water to the test-specimen. this machine consists of the revolved circular plate and motor.
③ Corrosives: A corrosive is chemical liquid to polish the surface of the test specimen, a corrosive is made of many chemical solutions from the fixed rate

참고 자료

The figure of the equilibrium condition of Fe-C ,web site
Solid/Material Test Manual, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sungkyunkwan University
Hibbeler RC (2011) Mechanics of materials, 8th edn. Pearson, Singapore
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Metallurgical Microsope Test , 금속현미경 실험 결과보고서, 금속현미경, 고체역학실험 레포트
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