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리차드브랜슨의 리더십(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 4,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Richard Branson’s leadership style and mindset. & How he’s infant period influenced the leadership and mindset.
2. The crisis that Richard Branson faced and his overcoming way.
3. His creative way to new products, organizations and ideas to succeed in conventional industry.
4. Richard Branson’s creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.
5. Richard Branson’s understanding of advertising and marketing.
6. Diversification strategy.
7. Conclusion
8. Reference


Discussion of leadership has been widely known for a very long time. There are many books on leadership. In addition, there are many theories about leadership. Related to traditional leadership theory has three. Firstly, Trait Theory of Leadership (Geier, 1964) is focused on finding the qualities and characteristics of leader. Secondly, Behavioral Style Theory of Leadership (Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, 1964) is focused on finding the most effective leadership characteristics in all situations. Thirdly, Contingency Theory of Leadership (Fiedler, 1967) is focused on finding the different effective leadership characteristics in different situations. In addition to this are various theories emerged recently. I want to know that the leadership style of the CEO, Richard Branson of Virgin Group through leadership theory.

1. Richard Branson’s leadership style and mindset. & How he’s infant period influenced the leadership and mindset.
Richard Branson leadership style can be explained by various theories.

참고 자료

A. G. Jago, 1982, Leadership: Perspectives in Theory and Research, Management Science.
Robert Blake and Jane Mouton, 1964, The managerial Grid: The Key to Leadership Excellence, Houston: Gulf Publishing Co.
Fiedler, 1967, A theory of leadership effectiveness, McGraw-Hill: Harper and Row Publishers Inc.
Hersey & Blanchard, 2008, Management of Organizational Behavior: Leading human Resources (9th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.
Burns, 1978, Leadership, New York: Harper and Row Publishers Inc.
James Scouller’s, 2011, The Three Levels of Leadership: How to Develop Your Leadership Presence, Knowhow and Skill, Cirencester: Management Books 2000.
Richard Rumelt, 1974, Good Strategy/Bad Strategy(Paperback) The difference and why it matters, Profile Books.
Richard Branson, 2007, Screw It, Let’s Do It(Expanded Edition):14 Lessons on Making It to the Top While Having & Staying, STMartinsPr.
Richard Branson, 2010, Business stripped bare: adventures of a global entrepreneur, Penguin Group.
Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and Richard Branson, 2009, Fortune: secrets of greatness, Random House.
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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