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연세대학교 졸업연구 - Breast Cancer Detector by Impedance Analyzer

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
89페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


Ⅰ. Figure index

Ⅱ. Table index

Ⅲ. Abstract
1. Introduction
2. Material and Method
2.1. Estimate Device
2.1.1. Transmit Stage
2.1.2. Receive Stage
2.1.3. Control Register
2.1.4. Total Harmonic Distortion
2.1.5. How to calculate impedance by AD5933
2.1.6. Gain factor calculation
2.2. Impedance
2.3. EIT (Electrical Impedance Tomography) Image Reconstruction
2.3.1. Reconstruction Algorithm Development
2.4. MatLab Realization
2.5. Interpolation
2.6. Switch
3. Experiment setup
4. Result & Discussion
5. Conclusion

Ⅳ. Reference

Ⅴ. Appendix


Breast Cancer Detect by Impedance Analyzer
Impedance is dependent on a variety of parameter. Especially we focus on Breast impedance change with cancer. Because impedance magnitude can be changed in unknown diverse reason we had to compare change rate of nodes between breast with no cancer and breast with cancer. For example, after have a meal or unstable health state or gloomy emotion state, so on. They can make impedance change. But in those case only specific region of breast cannot be changed. Only lump or cancer can change specific region of breast node.
Therefore this experiment has the reasonable meaning. Breast is matched to Agar and cancer is matched to carrot. When impedance analyzer detect some strange material something like cancer our breast cancer detect system would show the result about detection.

1. Introduction
Breast cancer is cancer that develops from breast tissue. In terms of diagnosis, Survival rate would decrease dramatically as times go with no detecting. In fact Breast cancer’s survival rate can be almostly100% at early detection.

참고 자료

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"Breast Disorders: Breast Cancer"
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J.Jossinet, “Variability of impedivity in normal and pathological breast tissue,” Med. Biol. Eng. Comput., vol. 34, pp. 346-350, Sep. 1996.
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Hiroshi Akima, Bivariate interpolation and smooth surface fitting based on local procedures, Communications of the ACM, v.17 n.1, p.26-31, Jan. 1974
Sungjoo Hong, “A 4.9 mΩ- Sensitivity Mobile Electrical Impedance Tomography IC for Early Breast-Cancer Detection System.” ISSCC, vol 50, no.1, Jan. 2015
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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연세대학교 졸업연구 - Breast Cancer Detector by Impedance Analyzer
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