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[영어자료]이슬람의 일부다처제, 일부다처제의 개념, 기원, 문화적, 일반적 관점, 타 문화권의 일부다처제와의 비교, 이슬람문화권에서의 여성의 지위(역사적, 종교적, 경제학적 관점)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


I.The explanation of Polygamy
① What is Polygamy?
② The origin of Polygamy
③ A Marriage in Islamic culture

II.Is Polygamy discrimination for women?
①As the cultural point of view
②As the general point of view
③The differences between discrimination and differentiation

III.Is it an issue only for Islamic cultural areas?
① Ancient Greek and Rome
② India and China
③ Israel and Arab
④ Japan and Korea
⑤ Other Christian countries

IV.The women’s position and rights in Islamic culture
① Historical point of view
② Religious point of view
③ Economical point of view

V.Conclusion -How to consider Polygamy



Ⅰ. The explanation of Polygamy
① What is Polygamy?
Since the regions near Arab and Islamic countries are surrounded by dessert, they used to be a nomadic people. This aspect of nature boosts male-centered culture to survive with better physical abilities of men. Maybe it has been natural that men have had more ‘power’ than women have had.
When one is asked about Polygamy, easily he answers it is custom of having many wives with one husband. By the definition of dictionary, Polygamy is the custom in some societies in which someone can be legally married to more than one person at the same time. Polygamy has taken place over Islamic areas and Mormonism.
If one wants to understand what Polygamy is, one needs to understand the cultural background of Polygamy, which includes their environments, custom of marriage, religion, etc.
Therefore, we will consider several aspects that Polygamy has and how it has been influenced and considered by themselves and by others, who are from different culture.

참고 자료

김희강 ‘일부다처제는 가부장 적인가’ - 한국정치학회보 제42집 제3호 2008년 9월호
Los Angeles Post: ‘Second Wives’ Are Back By Don Lee
The Jerusalem Post: Israel 2008: State of Polygamy By RUTH EGLASH
판매자 유형Diamond개인인증


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[영어자료]이슬람의 일부다처제, 일부다처제의 개념, 기원, 문화적, 일반적 관점, 타 문화권의 일부다처제와의 비교, 이슬람문화권에서의 여성의 지위(역사적, 종교적, 경제학적 관점)
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