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질레트와 Schick 의 마케팅 전략 분석 리포트(A+)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Q1. Evaluate product innovation at Gillette through its history.
1) 1st Stage: Innovation at Gillette (~1962)
2) 2nd Stage: Threat of New Competitor (1962~1975)
3) 3rd Stage: Dominance of Razor Market (1975~1980s)
4) 4th Stage: Razor War (1990~2000s)
5) 5th Stage: Recent Marketing Strategies

2. Q2. What do you make of the battle between Gillette and Schick? Is the battle of one up man ship good for either company?

3. Q3. What if you are the Schick manager? What would you recommend over next five years to catch up with Gillette? What would be your suggestion of marketing program?


It is better for Gillette to concentrate on what they were doing good at instead of diversifying their business. Since they were the dominant key player at that time meaning that there were no competitors in the market, it could have been a good strategy to build a strong foundation and brand identity. If they try to do a lot of things in average instead of doing one core business great in the beginning, they have high chance of doing their business unsuccessfully and there were some real-world cases before.
One of the failure examples of diversification is United Airlines. In 1987, Richard Ferris who was a president of United Airlines changed its corporate name from United Airlines to “Allegis”. By changing its name, they wanted to do their business not only for aviation industry but also as a complex travel agency by taking over companies such as Hertz, Westin, Hilton. When operating airline company, they wanted to satisfy customers with travel related services ultimately becoming a huge supermarket when people thinking of travel agencies.

참고 자료

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Are beards obligatory for devout Muslim men? – ( https://www.bbc.com/news/10369726 )
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Microplastic beads pollute Great Lakes, Chemical and Engineering News, 16 Sep 2013, 91 (37), 3-25 (Website: http://www.cenonline.org) © American Chemical Society 2013
Schick's New Xtreme3 Eco Razors Made with NextLife Sustainable Plastic Resin, Professional Services Close - Up ; Jacksonville (Feb 8, 2012).
위선유도가 친환경 제품의 브랜드 충성도에 미치는 영향, The Korean Journal of Advertising, Vol.25. No.7(2014).pp.215~239∣ISSN 1225-0554
New regulation for detergents, Parfums, Cosmetiques, Actualites, Dec 2005/Jan 2006, (186), 35
A Study on the Strategy for an Environment-Friendly and Minimalism Package Design, A Journal of Brand Design Association of Korea, 2018.12
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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