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맞춤아기와 윤리 영작 Designer Babies and Ethic

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction

2. Body
i) Designer Babies
ii) Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis
iii) A Gene Therapy and Designer Baby Using Crispr Gene Scissors
iv) The Ethical Problems of Gene Therapy

3. Conclusion

4. Reference Book


Recently, there has been increased interests in genetic engineering or genetics. This may be attributed to the result of the CRISPR gene scissors research, which is believed to reflect the human basic desire for survival and breeding. Anyone would want to have a superior gene, or to increase the survival and competitiveness of their children with their own genes. I think this may have been the driving force behind the development and improvement of the technology for the former to genetic editing and for the latter to the designer babies. Recently I have seen Paul Knoepfler's "The Ethical dilemma of Designer Babies" at TED and “Designer Babies: The Science and Ethics of Genetic Engineering” at YouTube. Although most of the recent science technologies have ethical problems, the controversy over ethical issues is even more intense as it is directly related to life. In addition, recent life-related technology is associated with the Crispr gene scissors, which can be confirmed through “Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR” of YouTube.

참고 자료

산전 검사 – 착상전 유전자 진단, 의학유전학센터, 서울아산병원
유전자치료의 현황과 윤리적 쟁점, 구영모, 생물학전문연구정보센터 Biowave, 2002,
한국은 황우석 사태 이후 겹겹 규제 … “연구자들 거의 포기 상태”, 최준호, 중앙일보, 2017.12.05
유전자 편집의 힘, 마음만 먹으면 ‘맞춤형 아기’도 가능, 김은기, 중앙선데이, 2018.03.11
유전자 특허 찬반 논란, 김연희, The Science Times, 2018.11.23
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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맞춤아기와 윤리 영작 Designer Babies and Ethic
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