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[영어에세이]The Scopes Trial

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Go to this link and read Days 2 through 7 of the trial. I would also read “Bryan’s Summations.”

What is your reaction to Darrow’s cross-examination of Bryan? Was it fair?

What do you think about our country today where the courts have created the opposite situation of 1925 when you couldn't teach evolution? Today, by using "separation of church and state" the courts have made it illegal to teach creationism in the public schools.(150~250 words)




John Scopes, a high school biology teacher in Dayton, Tennessee was put on trial in July 1925 for violation of Chapter 27 of the Public Acts of Tennessee for 1925 (originally House Bill No. 185) or the anti-evolution statute as it has come to be known. On day 5 of the trial, July 17, 1925, defense attorney Arthur Garfield Hays argued to bring in expert testimony on the Theory of Evolution to “[Examine] whether that [Theory of Evolution] is contrary to the theory of the Bible should be a matter of evidence.” (“State vs. Scopes). The Presiding Judge, John T.

참고 자료

Arnhart, Larry, et al. "Evolution, Creationism, and the Battle to Control America's Classrooms." The Review of Politics, vol. 74, no. 1, 2012, pp. 150-153. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy2.apus.edu/10.1017/S0034670512000137.
Cornelius, Richard M. “World’s Most Famous Court Trial.” Bryan College website. (2016). https://www.bryan.edu/college-history/scopes-trial. Accessed 14 October 2016.
---. William Jennings Bryan, The Scopes Trial, and Inherit the Wind. Bryan College, Dayton, Tennessee, 2007.
Linder, Douglas. “State v. John Scopes (‘The Monkey Trial’).” University of Missouri-Kansas City website. http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scopes/evolut.htm.
“State v. Scopes: Trial Excerpts.” University of Missouri-Kansas City website. (2008). http://law2.umkc.edu/faculty/projects/ftrials/scopes/scopes2.htm.
“Darrow’s Examination of Bryan During the Scopes Trial.” University of Alabama website. http://bama.ua.edu/~ratli003/files/Darrow%20questions%20Bryan%20at%20the%20Scopes%20Trial.pdf.
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