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Why should people consider being a vegan

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
11페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


학교 원어수업 리포트(에세이)로 제출했던 자료입니다. 비건을 되어야 하는 이유를 주제로 한 설득글입니다. 글이 끝나고 마지막에 추가로 적힌 부분은 왜 이런 방향으로 설득글을 썼는지에 대한 이유를 넣은 것입니다. 비건 이유에 대한 자료는 많은데 일관적이지 않고 깊이가 부족한 지료가 많아 고생했던 essay입니다. 논리성으로 지적 받지 않았으니 비건 관련 자료로 참고해주시면 될거 같아요.


1. Introduction
2. climate change problem
3. water problem
4. health issues
5. Conclusion


Nowadays, a vegan market is being activated. For example, vegenomics, a term which is an application of economics on vegetarianism, has been coined. According to the Euromonitor which is a market research institution, while the US market size of a vegan food in 2012 was 865 million dollars, it increased to 1.55 billion in 2016 (Yuk). In addition, the fact that Bill Gates has participated in 75 million dollars of funding raised by ‘Impossible Foods’, the vegetarian burger production start-up, arouses an attention to vegan market (Lee). The main point that can be induced by the growth in a vegan market is that social interests in a ‘vegan life’ is growing. More and more people are practicing a vegan diet. Being a vegan is not something that is practiced only by unusual or special person. It is also easily practiced by ordinary people and being recognized by many people. In this essay, problems caused by consuming production from livestock or fishery industry will be introduced and a careful suggestion to be a vegan will be treated.

참고 자료

Alice G. Walton. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alicegwalton/2015/10/26/red-and-processed-meats-tied-to-cancer-says-who/#1f6f751e4df6
Amy Roeder. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/red-meat-consumption-and-breast-cancer-risk/
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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Why should people consider being a vegan
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