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트렌스젠더 운동선수에 대한 영어 세미나. Transgender Athletes - Seminar

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12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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트렌스젠더 운동선수에 대한 세미나 영어 대본입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Key Ideas
3. Critique
4. Expansion


I. Introduction
This article, “Do transgender athletes have an unfair advantage?”, was written by Katharina Lindner on February 9, 2016. In the article, transgender policy that transgender athletes will be allowed to participate in the Olympics without getting sex surgery is announced changes. The new policy is fair because people cannot judge gender just from the outside and cannot measure through hormone test or chromosome text.
Keywords: Eligibility, Hormone level, Gender Equality, Sex chromosomes

<중 략>

- Have you ever seen the transgender athlete in the Olympic? If you yes, what did you feel?
1. Introduction
This article, “Do transgender athletes have an unfair advantage?”, was written by Katharina Lindner on February 9, 2016. In the article, transgender policy that transgender athletes will be allowed to participate in the Olympics without getting sex surgery is announced changes. The new policy is fair because people cannot judge gender just from the outside and cannot measure through hormone test or chromosome text.

참고 자료

John. B. (2015, July 27). Dutee Chand, female sprinter with high testosterone level, wins right to compete. New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2015/07/28/sports/international/dutee-chand-female-sprinter-with-high-male-hormone-level-wins-right-to-compete.html
John. B. (2015, November 4). Dutee Chand, Female Sprinter With High Testosterone Level, Wins Right to Compete. NewYorktimes. Retrieved from https://cn.nytimes.com/readers-translation/20151104/c04athlete-reader/dual/
Golden. F. (2009, August 21). Semenya's sex test explained. BBC. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/gordonfarquhar/2009/08/this_must_be_an_awful.html
Hint. J. (2016, Dec 29). What is the difference between transgender and intersex? Are these both inborn? Quora Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-transgender-and-intersex-Are-these-both-inborn
Lindner. K. (2016, February 9). Do transgender athletes have an unfair advantage? The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/do-transgender-athletes-have-an-unfair-advantage-54289
Johanna. N. (2015, Aug 5). Testosterone in Women. Retrieved from http://nataliejohanna.com/blog/2015/8/testosterone-women-symptoms
Sonksen. P. (2016, June 21). Fair play at the Olympics: testosterone and female athlete. The Conversation. Retrieved from https://theconversation.com/fair-play-at-the-olympics-testosterone-and-female-athletes-60156
Ian. S. (2015, February 23). sex-isn-t-chromosomes-story-century-misconceptions-about-x-y.
NewstatesmanAmerican. Retrieved from https://www.newstatesman.com/future-proof/2015/02/sex-isn-t-chromosomes-story-century-misconceptions-about-x-y
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트렌스젠더 운동선수에 대한 영어 세미나. Transgender Athletes - Seminar
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