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트럼프의 트위터에 대한 영문 세미나. Why Trump Tweets (And Why We Listen) - Seminar

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트럼프와 트위터에 관한 영문 세미나입니다.
대략적인 설명과 세미나를 위한 영문 대본이 포함되어 있습니다.


I. Introduction
II. Key Idea
III. Critique
IV. Expansion


I. Introduction
This article that we will analyze was written by Nicholas Carr on January 28, 2018. And originally published in Politico Magazine. Trump hadn't used social media, however, Trump had a fixation on Twitter after realizing that was found a match with his personality. He has started by using Twitter controlling the populace and attracted the press.
Keyword: Donald Trump, Politics, Twitter and Addiction

II. Key Idea
A. Trump didn't use social media, however, Trump had a huge obsession for Twitter after realizing that is really a suite with his personality (p.1, para.2).
B. Trump make himself become a hotspot at Twitter during the presidential race, and successfully combined his personalities, politics and social media (p.2, para.2).
C. Twitter is President Trump’s manipulation device for politics, and he addicts to it (p.4, para.2).
D. Trump is a real salesman, he is his own brand and uses Twitter to shape reality to his own benefit (p.5, para 1-3).

참고 자료

Buncombe, A. (2018, January 16). Donald Trump one year on: How the Twitter
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Carr, N. (2018, January 26). Why Trump Tweets (And Why We Listen).
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Copper, P. (2019, January 16). 28 Twitter Statistics All Marketers Need to Know
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Investopedia. (2018, October 25). Donald Trump’s Success Story. Retrieved from
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Lewis, L. (2015, Jan 25). 3 Reasons Why Twitter May Be An Older Person’s
Best Friend. Huffpost. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.com/
McLaughlin, K. (2018, Dec 23). The man who taught Donald Trump how to tweet
likens him to velociraptors learning to open doors in 'Jurassic Park'. Business
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Murse, T. (2019, January 14). How Social Media Has Changed Politics. ThoughtsCo.
Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/how-social-media-has-changed
Newport, F. (2018, May 16). Deconstructing Trump's Use of Twitter. Gallup.
Retrieved from https://news.gallup.com/poll/234509/deconstructing-trump-
Wong, J. C. (2018, January 5). Twitter makes it clear: Donald Trump will not be banned. The
Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/05/donald-trump-twitter-no-ban
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트럼프의 트위터에 대한 영문 세미나. Why Trump Tweets (And Why We Listen) - Seminar
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