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사회복지조사론 논문분석(영문 작성)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
15페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


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영어로 작성하였고, 논문을 하나 정하여 분석하였습니다.
Child Abuse & Neglect 지의 Effectiveness of a parent training program "Incredible Years" in a child protection service 라는 제목의 논문을 활용하였습니다.

Hi, there!
I wrote this paper for the subject, research method for social work.
This is analysis of [Effectiveness of a parent training program "Incredible Years" in a child protection service] from Child Abuse & Neglect in a various research perspectives.


1. Title
2. Abstracts
3. Literature Review
4. Operationalization and Measurement
5. Research Design and Data Collection
6. Sampling
7. Types of Research - Evaluation Research
8. Findings & Discussion- Quantitative Research
9. Ethics
10. Overall


1. Title
①Is the title specific enough to differentiate it from other related topics?
When the reader read the title of this article, the reader can sketch the contents of this article. The title includes incredible years, which is specific program for parent training. And the reader can guess that the article is about the effectiveness of certain program. Also, the title introduces specific part, or place, ‘in a child protection service’. In this point, this article title is pretty specific to differentiate it from other related topics. From this, the reader may think that the specific research interest is about child neglect and abuse.
②Do subtitles, if present, provide important information regarding the research?
There is no subtitle.
③Are the main variables expressed in the title?
No, all main variables is not. The main variables of this research are presence or absence of ‘incredible years’ program (independent variable) and how the program affects to parents for neglecting children: parenting practices, parents’ perception, and parents’ self-efficacy

참고 자료

Effectiveness of a parent training program "Incredible Years" in a child protection service, Child Abuse & Neglect
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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