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2013년 교환학생 영문 리포트_환율전쟁이 한국 시장에 미치는 영향 및 해결책

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


1. Introduction

2. Analysis
1) Currency war
2) Influences of the Exchange Rates on Trade Market

3. Solutions
1) Macro-Prudential Three Set
2) Currency Rate Swap
3) Fostering Forward Exchange Market

4. List of References


The Korea exchange rate situation was certainly serious in 2012. The Won-dollar exchange rates had decreased till 1080 won. The world has been in the currency war. The emerging market countries including Korea and Brazil are the victims from the currency war caused by the developed countries such as the United States and the EU.

In order to tackle this problem, we have to know the causes of the falling exchange rates. After the global financial crisis, many countries have strengthened protectionism. The expansionary monetary policy which the United States, Euro zone, Japan and other developed states have implemented to defend their economic decline has affected on Korean economy in a negative way. That is, by increasing their exchange rates, those countries hope to boost the economy and secure exporting competitiveness. This leads to the falling exchange rate in Korea. Furthermore, the optimism in American housing indicators and the financial cliff allows the demand for the safe asset, dollar, to decrease.

참고 자료

Go Chan-yoo, ‘Won-dollar exchange rate 1080, government try to intervene, Hankookilbo, 2012.11.23
‘[newspaper editorials] Do not be too worried because of the report from U.S.A’, SeoulEconomy, 2012.11.29
Leem Seon-Tae, ‘Expectation to solve Fiscal cliff’, Asia Economy, 2012.11.20
‘Currency War’, Wikipedia
‘Quantitative Easing’, Wikipedia
Kimberly Amadeo, ‘What is a currency war?’, about.com
Paul Krugman, ‘Taking On China’, The Newyork Times, 2010.03.14
Ben Rooney, ‘ECB outlines bond-buying program’, CNN Money Invest, 2012.09.06
‘Global currency war, increasing won-dollar exchange rate, Segye, 2010.10.09
Lee hyun-Ah, ‘Increasing one-dollar exchange rate’, New1, 2013.02.01
Lee Ju-bi, ‘Increasing one-dollar exchange rate in the currency war’, Wow Korean Economy, 2013.02.12
Choi Jin-Joo, ‘Posco, Korean Air ”Smile”, HanKookilbo, 2012.11.13,
Kim Hong-Jae, ‘The Bank of Korea, “Exchange rate does not affect exporing firms” hot issue’,
financial News, 2012.11.21,
Jo Gang-Wook, ‘Export, Import decreased in Oct “Exchange rate decreasing”’, Asia Economy, 2012.11.16,
Hong Seong-geu, ‘Currency war influences bad effect on export’, yonhapnews, 2012.10.30,
http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=101&oid=001&aid=0005903360, ,
Lee dong-Hee, ‘KIEP “Macro-Prudential Three Set worked well”’, News1, 2012.11.15
Lee doo-girl, ‘Ministry Park, Intervening exchange currency market’, Seoul Newspaper, 2012.11.20,
JeonHong Gi-Hye, ‘Korean-U.S.A, Currency swap finish in coming Feb’, Pressian, 2009.12.17,
Lee Sang-Deok, ‘ceiling on forward exchange position…’, Mail Economy, 2012.10.20,
Lee Tae-ho, ‘ceiling on forward exchange position and limitation’, Edaily, 2010.06.13,
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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