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[A+ 연세대][2019 1학기 진행] 미생물및생물공학기초실험 결과레포트 Lab 3: Animal Cell Culture

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
14페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


2019년 1학기에 진행된 생명공학과 미생물및생물공학기초실험 과목에서 최종 성적 A+를 받은 결과레포트입니다. 결과레포트가 YSCEC을 이용하여 Turnitin 검수과정을 거치지 않고 메일과 하드카피 제출로 이루어지기 때문에 해당 레포트 내용을 조금씩만 변경하여 제출하시면 수월하게 A+를 받아가실 수 있을 것입니다. 글꼴은 맑은 고딕(본문) 혹은 a타이틀고딕(네이버에서 다운로드 가능)으로 작성하였습니다.


1. Summary
2. Materials
3. Experiment Procedure
4. Results
5. Discussion
6. Quiz
7. Reference


Animal cell culture is growing the animal cells in a controlled environment within the lab. We are able to gain the cell cultures through the method of primary culture. This is removing the cells from its organ fragments before the process of cultivation. These cells will eventually be placed in a culture environment. Such cells are referred to as primary cells. Primary cells are therefore the ones that are directly obtained from a living tissue and put to grow in vitro. As these primary cells have not gone through much population doubling when compared to the continuously cells, these cells relatively are a better resemblance model that shows the functional components of the tissues in living organism. In situations where the culture environment is totally packed due to the growth of the monolayer cells, this would be situations where the given culture environment’s capacity is exceeded by the concentration of the cell, growth is to stop or the growing process will reduce greatly.

참고 자료

Experiment in Microbiology and Biochemical Engineering, 이동우 외 8명 저, Department of Biotechnology, College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Yonsei University
Brock Biology of Microorganisms (2019), 15th edition, Michael T. Madigan et al., Pearson
Molecular Cell Biology, Lodish, et al, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York
Microbiology with Diseases by Body System, 4th Edition, Robert Bauman 저, Pearson Higher Education
Microbiology 4/E An Evolving Science, Joan L. Slonczewski 저, Norton & Company
Lindl, T. (2002): “Zell- und Gewebekultur”. 5th ed. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidlberg.
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[A+ 연세대][2019 1학기 진행] 미생물및생물공학기초실험 결과레포트 Lab 3: Animal Cell Culture
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