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[A+ 연세대][2019 1학기 진행] 미생물및생물공학기초실험 Lab 7: Basic Handling of Mouse & Blood Glucose Tolerance Test 결과레포트

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7페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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"[A+ 연세대][2019 1학기 진행] 미생물및생물공학기초실험 Lab 7: Basic Handling of Mouse & Blood Glucose Tolerance Test 결과레포트"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Objective
2. Theory
3. Materials
4. Procedure
5. Result
6. Discussion
7. Reference


Today’s experiment was using a mouse, thus would be referred to as animal experimentation. Animal experimentation is the process of using non-human animals in the laboratory for various purposes, most of the case for in vivo testing. The research scope is diverse and scientists conduct animal experimentation from pure research such as genetics, to applied research areas such as cosmetics testing or toxicology testing. Animals allow the testing of toxicity of newly developed medicines before the drug is to enter the clinical stage. Among many kinds of animals, mice are well-suited for cancer research because they have a short lifespan.
The type of mouse that we use in a lab are ICR mouse, which are able to grow rapidly and have high productivity rate. They also have a low possibility of spontaneous tumor. Due to such advantages the ICR mice are largely used in the fields including pharmacology and neurobiology. Now let’s look at each step of the experiment

참고 자료

“Experiment in Microbiology and Biochemical Engineering”, 이동우 외 7명 저, Department of Biotechnology, College of Life Science and Biotechnology, Yonsei University
Molecular Cell Biology, Lodish, et al, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York
Microbiology with Diseases by Body System, 4th Ed. Robert Bauman, Pearson Higher Education
판매자 유형Gold개인인증


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[A+ 연세대][2019 1학기 진행] 미생물및생물공학기초실험 Lab 7: Basic Handling of Mouse & Blood Glucose Tolerance Test 결과레포트
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