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[제조 공정] 기계공학과: 아이폰의 제작과정 및 제조 공정

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"[제조 공정] 기계공학과: 아이폰의 제작과정 및 제조 공정"에 대한 내용입니다.


I. Design Trend
1. Introduction
2. Telephone to Computer
3. Design of the iPhone by Jonathan Ive
4. Interaction design and the “skeuomorphic” graphic interface
5. The iPhone design history from first generation to the 7 series

II. Materials and Manufacturing processes
1. Materials
a. Raw element
b. Devices to devices
2. Manufacturing process
a. Build manufacturing
b. Screen manufacturing
c. Lithium Battery
d. Final assembly and Test automation

III. Cost estimation

IV. What I have learned in this survey

V. Reference


1. Introduction
On January 9, 2007, When Steve Jobs announced to the public the first iPhone in San Francisco, many among Apple’s competitors were surprised.

Black-berry devices override the smart phone market until then. With which writing and doing e-mails, SMS, and short text presentations, the keys of their success were a relatively big and perfect (when it comes to the device’s size) QWERTY keyboard with the rest of the world was much easier than through those of more simple, and cheaper, mobile phones.

Therefore, when first iPhone came out, with no physical keyboard at all, rather replaced by an enormous 3.5 inches touchscreen enclosed by aluminum and black plastic frame, it is quite a sensational movement in the market of mobile phones.

2. Telephone to a Computer
As a matter of fact, the use of touchscreens in order to combine interaction and visualize into a single device was not that new.

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