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영어리포트 - 일본의 연하장 문화 (Happy New Year)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 3,000원 할인쿠폰받기


“What does ‘Greeting Card’ mean to the Japanese?”

1. “Origin and Present of ‘Greeting Card’ in Japan
2. “How to take ‘Greeting Card’”
3. “Please forgive me”

“Find our warmth”


Introduction – What does ‘Greeting Card’ mean to the Japanese?
Every country has its own way of greeting for the New Years. It has been existed for very long time. Especially, the Japanese has been handing down their traditional customs of New Year very well. Among them, ‘Greeting Card’ is the most important thing. Almost of all the people use smart-phone and SNS for communication these days, but the Japanese still think ‘Greeting Card’ is essential. All Japanese, even preschool children, exchange it each others; Families, friends, coworkers, business partners, teachers and so on. Through these act, they reminisce about the good old days and pray for receiver’s happy New Year.
What about us? Heart to bless for others is same as the Japanese, but our New Year’s Greeting is being perfunctory Most of Korean just sends SMS through their cell-phone or smart-phone messenger such as Kakaotalk.

참고 자료

엔하위키 – 연하장 : https://mirror.enha.kr/wiki/%EC%97%B0%ED%95%98%EC%9E%A5
위키피디아 일본 – 연하장 (年賀状) : https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%B9%B4%E8%B3%80%E7%8A%B6
사진 1 : 사진 상 표기
사진 2 : http://www.kyushu-style.com/everyday/541
사진 3 : http://unmi-blog.tistory.com/32s
판매자 유형Bronze개인


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영어리포트 - 일본의 연하장 문화 (Happy New Year)
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