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Walmart corporate social responsibility [월마트 기업의 사회적 책임]

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"Walmart corporate social responsibility [월마트 기업의 사회적 책임]"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Corporate Social Responsibility

2. Corporate Social Responsibility in Walmart

3. How Walmart Has Demonstrated a Working CSR
1) Supporting Local Communities
2) Educating and Empowering Workers
3) Gender Equality and Supporting Minorities
4) Environmental Protection
5) Sustainable Sourcing
6) Disaster Management
7) Responsible Recruitment
8) Local Funding

4. Advantages of CSR to a Firm
1) Skilled Personnel
2) Customer Satisfaction
3) Stable Cash Flow

5. Costco and Walmart
1) Labor Relations
2) Monopoly Power

6. Conclusion


Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility can be defined as the consideration of a firm to its stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility works as a watchdog model that regulates the company’s activities and the impacts it causes socially. The stakeholders in the model include the owners, managers, employees, customers, and the public at large. The model ensures that firms are careful with the impacts they cause socially, economically, and environmentally. This ensures that the company operates in a manner that enhances the well-being of its stakeholders, and negative impacts are reduced or eradicated. The paper will take a look at the Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) of Walmart and the benefits that come with it.

Corporate Social Responsibility in Walmart
Walmart is an international hypermarket with several discount department stores, hypermarkets, and grocery stores globally. The firm was started in the year 1962 and incorporated in 1969.

참고 자료

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Walmart. (2018). 2018 global responsibility report summary. Retrieved on December 5, 2019 from https://corporate.walmart.com/media-library/document/2018-grr-summary/_proxyDocument?id=00000162-e4a5-db25-a97f-f7fd785a0001
Wang, Z., &Sarkis, J. (2017). Corporate social responsibility governance, outcomes, and financial performance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 162, 1607-1616.
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Walmart corporate social responsibility [월마트 기업의 사회적 책임]
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