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federalism, intergovernmental relations, and intergovernmental management: historical reflections and conceptual comparisons 자료조사. 저자 Deil S. Wright

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12페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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federalism, intergovernmental relations, and intergovernmental management: historical reflections and conceptual comparisons 논문 자료조사 한것입니다.
행정학원강 강의 과제였으며 피피티만드실때 이 목차대로 하시면 됩니다. 에이플받았습니다.
제가 올린 자료로 논문 내용 이해하시는데 도움이 많이 될 것 같습니다.
가격이 비싼 이유는 해피캠퍼스에 등록된 다른 자료들보다 내용이 알차고 구매하시면 후회안하실 것 같습니다.


1. 저자소개

2. 연방주의(FED), 정부간 관계론(IGR), 정부간 관리론(IGM)의 근원
(1) 연방주의(FED)
(2) 정부간 관계(IGR)
(3) 정부간 관리(IGM)

3. 연방주의 정부 간 관계론, 정부간 관리론 비교
(1) 포함단위
(2) 권위관계
(3) 갈등해결 수단
(4) 가치
(5) 정치적 요소
(6) 주도자

4. 평가와 전망


Deil S. Wright (18 June 1930 - 30 June 2009) was an American political scientist, who specialized in public administration and spent much of his career as a professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He was an expert on intergovernmental relations, and wrote a leading textbook on that subject.

Wright was born in Three Rivers, Michigan in 1930, and attended the University of Michigan, where he completed a bachelor's degree in 1952, a Master of Public Administration in 1954, and a PhD in political science in 1957.

Wright's published works included Public Administration and the Public (1958), Intergovernmental Action on Environmental Policy: The Role of the States (1967), Understanding Intergovernmental Relations (1978), and Globalization and Decentralization (1996). He also published more than 100 articles, in journals such as American Political Science Review, Public Administration Review, and Publius: A Journal of Federalism.

참고 자료

판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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federalism, intergovernmental relations, and intergovernmental management: historical reflections and conceptual comparisons 자료조사. 저자   Deil S. Wright
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