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중국(홍콩) 허브차 (Chinese herbal tea) 분석 영문 리포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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중국 광둥 지방 및 홍콩 지역에서 유행하게 된 중국 허브차 (Chinese herbal tea) 를 분석한 리포트 입니다.


1. Introduction

2. What is ‘Chinese herbal tea’?
2-1 Herbal tea in history
2-2 Ingredients and how to make it
2-3 Health: effects on body

3. Cultural Meaning of ‘Chinese herbal tea’
3-1 Cultural importance
3-2 Consumption: herbal tea industry

4. Changes in ‘Chinese herbal tea industry’
4-1 Early days
4-2 The peak
4-3 Decline & Nowadays

5. Conclusion


Herbal tea, or ‘leung cha’ in Chinese, has been one of the most significant intangible cultural heritages to the people in local communities of Hong Kong and Southern part of China. Chinese herbal tea is an old custom for Chinese people and becomes a common drink for people who live in Hong Kong, Macau, Guangxi and Guangdong provinces. Herbal tea culture has been deeply rooted in the lives of locals along with its long history. Its cultural importance was recognized in 2006, when it was selected in the list of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) by Guangdong province, Hong Kong and Macau authorities (Jun Xing, 2016). In this report, the culture of Chinese herbal tea will be identified with a research on its history as well as its impact on people and society. The first part of the essay covers what herbal tea is, with explanations of history and health effects. The second part explains how herbal tea became the representative of intangible cultural..

<중 략>

참고 자료

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