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영어교재연구및지도법 - Evaluation Checklist for English Teaching Materials

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9페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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I. Introduction

II. Theoretical background
A. Integration of four skills and three sub-skills
B. Consideration of both quantitative and qualitative response system
C. Balance of various cultures

III. Evaluation Checklist
A. Quantitative Checklist
B. Qualitative Checklist

IV. Application
A. How to use and calculate the total score
B. How to know if the textbook is appropriate the use based on the result
C. Qualitative Evaluation

V. Conclusion

VI. Reference


I. Introduction

In language education, textbook checklists provide teachers with an important tool for evaluating the textbook that they will use in the classrooms. Because textbooks serve such an important role in the course, it is worthwhile to spend much time and effort into the textbook selection process (Williams, 1983). Therefore, this checklist can help guide the teachers’ textbook selection process.

The first group of people that will use the evaluation checklist for textbook would be the developers of the textbook. They need to consider the validity, reliability and practicality in the process of designing the textbook. After the textbook has been published, curriculum designers, evaluators, and English teachers will utilize the checklist for their own beneficial use (Mukundan, 2011).

II. Theoretical background

This checklist is based on various theoretical background. Such backgrounds provide the rationales and reasons for it to exist and be used widely.

참고 자료

Erlina, Dian. “Research on Educational Media: Balancing between Local and Target Language Cultures in English Electronic Textbooks.” Vol. 17, Apr. 2018, pp. 111–119., eric.ed.gov/?q=english textbook&id=EJ1176161. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.
Leape, Lucian L. “The Checklist Conundrum.” New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 370, no. 11, 2014, pp. 1063–1064., doi:10.1056/nejme1315851.
Medina, Beatriz López. “Developing a CLIL Textbook Evaluation Checklist.” Latin American Journal of Content & Language Integrated Learning, vol. 9, no. 1, Jan. 2016, pp. 159–173., doi:10.5294/laclil.2016.9.1.7.
Miekley , Joshua. “ESL TEXTBOOK EVALUATION CHECKLIST.” The Reading Matrix , vol. 5, no. 2, Sept. 2005, citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Mukundan, Jayakaran, et al. “Developing An English Language Textbook Evaluation Checklist.” Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER), vol. 4, no. 6, 2011, p. 21., doi:10.19030/cier.v4i6.4383.
Williams, David. “Developing Criteria for Textbook Evaluation.” ELT Journal , July 1983, pp. 251–255., textbookuse.pbworks.com/f/Developing criteria for textbook evaluation.pdf.
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영어교재연구및지도법 - Evaluation Checklist for English Teaching Materials
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