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Compare and contrast essay - English Mediated Instruction and Code-switching

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기




The Communicative Approach has been discussed and supported by researchers, so using the target language in the language teaching profession has become popular. Teaching English in English (TEE) was used in order to stabilize public education during the 2009 revised curriculum period propelled by the Lee government in Korea. However, there should be an examination of whether learning and teaching in English is effective in EFL classrooms. Two types of English teaching will be introduced in this paper.
English as a Medium of Instruction means teaching content solely in English. Besides teachers, students should also use English when communicating with their classmates in EMI. On the other hand, code-switching means teaching content using both L1 and English. EMI and code-switching are compared and contrasted according to the standards of educational effectiveness, students’ emotion, and classroom design.

참고 자료

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Compare and contrast essay - English Mediated Instruction and Code-switching
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