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환경생태학 정리, 직접 영혼을 갈아 작성한 영어 레포트 (A++보장)

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7페이지/한글파일 한컴오피스
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"환경생태학 정리"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. What is Environmental Ecology?
2. Global Environment
3. Objectives of ecological studies
4. Classification of ecology
5. What is Ecosystem?
6. Ecosystem: Structure and Function
7. Components of Ecosystem
8. Food chain vs Food web
9. Geo-Bio-Chemical Cycles
10. Hydrological Cycle
11. Carbon Cycle
12. Phosphorus Cycle
13. Nitrogen Cycle


1) The word environment is usually understood to mean the surrounding conditions that affect organisms.
2) In a broader definition, environment is everything that affects an organism during its lifetime.
3) In turn, all organisms including people affect many components in their environment.

1) The meaning of the word ecology was given by German biologist Haeckle in 1869.
2) The word ecology is derived from Greek words 'Oikos' meaning house, habitat or place of living and 'logos' meaning to study.
3) Ecology is defined as the study of interrelationship of different organisms with each other and with their environment. It is concerned with the general principles that apply to both animals and plants.

Environmental ecology
1) Environmental ecology can be defined as the study of interaction of different organisms and landscapes affecting on their organisms in a certain environment.

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환경생태학 정리, 직접 영혼을 갈아 작성한  영어 레포트 (A++보장)
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