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Compare & Contrast 에세이 _ 페이스북 VS 인스타그램

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두 개의 소셜미디어 Facebook과 Instagram의 차이점에 대해 서술한 Contrast 에세이입니다.

영어 에세이의 필수요소인
Thesis, Topic Sentense, Controlling Ideas, Summary & Final Comment, Reference
를 빠지지 않고 포함한 하나의 잘 짜여진 글입니다.

다음과 같은 분들께 도움이 될 것 같습니다!
비교/대조 에세이를 급하게 제출해야 하시는 분
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영어로 된 글 작성 요령을 공부하시고 싶으신 분


Ⅰ. Introduction

1. 페이스북과 인스타그램의 초기개발자들은 각기 다른 경영전략을 이용했다.
2. 페이스북과 인스타그램의 유저는 각각 다른 목적과 방법으로 소셜미디어를 이용한다.
3. 페이스북 유저와 인스타그램 유저는 성별과 나이가 다르다

Ⅲ. Conlclusion

Ⅳ. Reference


Social media or social networking service is an opened-platform where online users can share their opinion, thought, experience and information. Social media users do not use the media just to maintain their friend relationship at online, but users utilize social networking as a means of self-expression. Since more than three billion people around the world use social services (Chaffey, 2019), the ways of self-expression and their desired networking platform diverse. Nevertheless, the most successful social services have captivated the diversity with their own strategies.

참고 자료

Atanasova, A. (2016, November 6). Gender-specific behaviors on social media and what they mean for online communications. Social Media Today. Retrieved from https://www.socialmediatoday.com/social-networks/gender-specific-behaviors-social-media-and-what-they-mean-online-communications
Carlson, N. (2010, March 5). How Mark Zuckerberg hacked into rival ConnectU in 2004. Business Insider. Retrieved from https://www.businessinsider.com/how-mark-zuckerberg-hacked-connectu-2010-3
Chaffey, D. (2019, February 12). Global social media research summary 2019. Smart Insights. Retrieved from https://www.smartinsights.com/social-media-marketing/social-media-strategy/new-global-social-media-research/
Dion, N. A. (2016, May 1). The effect of Instagram on self-esteem and life satisfaction. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.salemstate.edu/honors_theses/91
Franks, D. (2017, November 1). Facebook vs. Instagram: How and why content approach must be different. Linkedin. Retrieved from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/facebook-vs-instagram-how-why-content-approach-must-different-franks
Huang, Y. T., & Su, S. F. (2018). Motives for Instagram use and topics of interest among young adults. Future Internet, 10(77), 1-12. doi: 10.3390/fi10080077
Lang, A. (2014, September 2). Why is it called Instagram? Rewind & Capture. Retrieved from https://www.rewindandcapture.com/why-is-it-called-instagram/
Press, G. (2018, April 8). Why Facebook triumphed over all other social networks. Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/gilpress/2018/04/08/why-facebook-triumphed-over-all-other-social-networks/#ec1aa9f6e918
Roose, K. (2018, January 22). What if a healthier Facebook is just…Instagram? The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/22/technology/facebook-instagram.html?rref=collection/sectioncollection/technology&action=click&contentCollection=technology&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=4&pgtype=sectionfront
Shumaker, R. (2018, March 21). Instagram vs. Facebook: The main differences you need to know. Hearst Bay Area. Retrieved from https://marketing.sfgate.com/blog/the-main-differences-between-facebook-and-instagram-you-need-to-know
West, C. (2019, February 5). Social media demographics to drive your brand’s online presence. Sproutsocial. Retrieved from https://sproutsocial.com/insights/new-social-media-demographics/#Facebook
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