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[국제마케팅_영문리포트] 중국로컬 스포츠화 브랜드, 361°의 마케팅 전략짜기 케이스스터디

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"[국제마케팅_영문리포트] 중국로컬 스포츠화 브랜드, 361°의 마케팅 전략짜기 케이스스터디"에 대한 내용입니다.




361 Degrees International Limited, established in 2003, is a sportswear enterprise, and a leader in its category in China. The company is vertically integrated from marketing and R&D to manufacturing capabilities and brand management. Their products include apparel, accessories, and footwear, mainly for sports use but they also cater to leisure users. There are multiple lines revolving around sports, such as basketball and track and field series. In terms of distribution, the group relies on 30 distributors who in turn supervise over 3,500 dealers resulting in brand presence in over 7,800 retail outlets across the country. This extensive and efficient supply management system helped bring in almost RMB 50 billion in sales in 2012, according to the company website.
The 361° logo is made up of the numerals 361 and the symbol °. According to the 361° website, the idea represents “convention and satisfaction exceeding 360°, as well as […] persistent attitude towards pursuit [sic] for excellence” (en.361sport.com).

참고 자료

Bedsole, B., Currie, M. and Stoker, B. 2013. Nike: A Look Inside. [online] Available at:
http://lib.convdocs.org/docs/index-209508.html [Accessed: 10 Nov 2013].
Professor V. De Barnier, Irina Rodina. 2013. A CROSS CULTURAL EXPLORATORY STUDY IN
FRANCE, THE UNITED KINGDOM AND RUSSIA. Pierre Valette-Florence, University Pierre MendesFrance
of Grenoble.
En.361sport.com. 2013. 361°A love beyond - BRAND. [online] Available at:
http://en.361sport.com/brand.html [Accessed: 12 Nov 2013].
En.361sport.com. 2013. Untitled. [online] Available at: http://en.361sport.com/ [Accessed: 12
Nov 2013].
Euromonitor.com. 2013. Consumer Lifestyles in France. [online] Available at:
http://www.euromonitor.com/consumer-lifestyles-in-france/report [Accessed: 12 Nov 2013].
Images.361sport.com. 2013. 361 Degrees International Limited. [online] Available at:
http://images.361sport.com/ent/en/advantage_rnd.asp [Accessed: 12 Nov 2013].
Indexmundi.com. 2013. France Age structure - Demographics. [online] Available at:
http://www.indexmundi.com/france/age_structure.html [Accessed: 12 Nov 2013].
thejakartapost.com. 2013. 361 Degrees Forms Joint Venture with One Way Sport. [online]
Available at: http://prnw.cbe.thejakartapost.com/news/2013/361-degrees-forms-joint-venturewith-one-way-sport-5.html
[Accessed: 10 Nov 2013].
Visitbritain.org. 2013. Insights & Statistics : VisitBritain Corporate site. [online] Available at:
http://www.visitbritain.org/research [Accessed: 12 Nov 2013]
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