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미국의 신제국주의와 보통국가로서의 일본(American Empire and Abnormal Japan) (영문)

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최종 저작일
5페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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공격권을 가질 수 없는 일본 군대의 현 상황에서, 일본 군이 얼마나 미국에 종속적인 역할을 하고 있는지, 또 이러한 모습에서 미국의 제국주의적 요소가 얼마나 보이는지에 대한 글입니다. 영문으로 작성했고 , 출처도 다 밝혀 두어, 활용하시기 좋습니다.


1. 제국주의 국가란 무엇인가(What is the definition of 'imperialism')
2. 미국은 제국주의국가에 속한다고 볼 수 있는가(How the Imperialistic Situation of 19th Century is different with that of the United States, and How it should be applied)
3. 보통국가란 무엇인가(What is a 'normal state' Country)
4. 일본은 보통 국가라고 볼 수 없는 이유는 무엇인가 (Why the term is not suitable for Japan


According to the New York Times (2015), recently Japan, which does not have the right of command, announced an agreement with the America that they agreed to expand the reach of Japan’s military power. After this agreement is made, Japan will be allowed to act when the United States or other countries that American forces are defending are threatened. This is the result of the United States expressing their will to cooperate on Japan exercising their right to collectively self-defend, and enhancing their military power. Japan, according to Michael J. Green, like a lot of allies, “want to be there for the U.S., so the U.S. will be there for them”. However, this incidence raises two questions. One is whether the reason for Japan trying to support American force is because of the America’s imperialistic power. The question is raised because the right to collectively defend of Japan is only accepted when America is in need. People question whether this is because of the American influence.

참고 자료

Cha, Hakbong. 2013. “Abe, Pursuit of the Collective Right to Defend … United Kingdom, America, and Australia Supports.” The Chosun Ilbo. October 17.
Davis, Gordon. 2015. “Japan and U.S. Set New Rules for Military Cooperation.” New York Times. April 27.
Hardt, Michael & Negri, Antonio.2000. Empire, Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
Held & Koenig-Archibugi. 2009. “Introduction: Whither American Power?”
Hwang, Balina. 2004. “A New Security Agenda for the U.S.-Japan Alliance”. Backgrounder. Washington: The Heritage Foundation.
Jung, Do-Jin. 1999. A Study on the Role of the Military in National Development. Gwangju: Honam University.
Jung, Il-Joon. 2012. “American Empire and Korea: Beyond the Relationship of America and Korea”. Society and History the 97th Edition.
Kang, Joon-Man. 2010. Taking a Walk on American History 15. Seoul: Human and Ideology.
Kim, Yong-Sun. 2006. The Formation of a Concept of American Imperialism in Late 19th Century. Seoul: Dongguk University.
Lee, Myong-Chan. 2007. “‘Four Routes’ Shown in Diplomatic Security Policy of Japan: Efforts to Understand the Policy of Diplomatic Security of Japan”. International Region Studies 16th Edition. Seoul: Seoul National University Institute of International Relations.
Lee, Myong-Chan. 2008. “Revision of the Article 9 and the Collective Self-Defense: Normal Country v.s. Power Country”. Peace Studies Vol 16-2.
Lee, Sang Soo. 2006. “Japan’s Revision of the Peace Constitution and its Implications for the Korean Peninsula”. Peace Studies Vol 14-2.
Son, Jaewon. 2014. A Discourse Analysis on Japan’s Normalization - Focusing on Analysis of the Editorials from Yomiuri Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun -. Seoul: Yonsei University.
Williams, William. 1972. The Tragedy of America Diplomacy, New York: World Publishing Company
Research: Normal State (普通国家)
Available at http://d.hatena.ne.jp/keyword/%C9%E1%C4%CC%A4%CE%B9%F1

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미국의 신제국주의와 보통국가로서의 일본(American Empire and Abnormal Japan) (영문)
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