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나강 M1895 권총의 디자인과 역사 (영문레포트)

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나강 M1895 권총의 (러시아)역사와 디자인에 대한 영문레포트 입니다.




Although the Russian Empire was well-known for its military power, it was considered the backwater of Europe by the rest of European countries for its out-of-date modernization until the mid-20th century. Upon their defeat in the Crimean War through 1853 and 1856, the Russian Empire began to actively import foreign weaponry to fill in the lack of their industrial technology. Eventually in 1886, they commissioned Belgian Industrialist Léon Nagant and his brother, Emile, to design a new revolver that could be reproduced in Russian factories in order to replace the America-manufactured, Smith and Wesson’s Model 3, which was used as a primary revolver by the Russians at the time. The main goals for the Nagant brothers in developing the new revolver was durability to sustain in the rough environment in Russia and efficiency to reduce the level of technology and cost for the inadequate modern industrial technology of Russian Empire at the time.

참고 자료

Leghorn, Nick. "Gun Review: Nagant M1895 Revolver." The Truth About Guns, 28 March 2011, www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2011/03/foghorn/gun-review-nagant-m1895-revolver/.
Owner’s Manual: Russian Nagant Model 1895 Revolver, Cal. 7.62 NAGANT, Century International Arms, Inc, 2006, stevespages.com/pdf/century_russian-nagant-revolver.pdf.
Nam, Do Hyun. "Nagant M1895 Revolver: The Firearm Symbolized the Time of Tragedy." Navercast The World of Firearms, 17 August 2016, navercast.naver.com/contents.nhn?rid=107&contents_id=120896.
“Nagant M1895.” Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagant_M1895. Accessed 16 September 2016.
Jimvac. "The Fruitcake of Firearms: The 1895 Nagant Revolver." Armed (But Not Dangerous), 18 October 2012, www.armedbutnotdangerous.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-fruitcake-of- firearms-1895-nagant.html.
“Brutus Description: Nagant M1895 Revolver - 7.62x38R Caliber” Classic Firearms, www.classicfirearms.com/nagant-m1895-revolver. Accessed 23 September 2016.
“M1895 Nagant Revolver”, 7.62x54r.net, 7.62x54r.net/MosinID/MosinRareNagant.htm. Accessed 23 September 2016.
Alexey, Amelin. "Чертежи револьвера Наган (Blueprints of Nagant 1895)." www.alex--- 1967.narod.ru/waffe/spezifikazia_nagant.html.
“Russian 1895 Nagant Revolver.” YouTube, uploaded by Forgotten Weapons, 20 May. 2013, www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dh1mojMaEtM.
Ozieva, Albina. Collins Russian English English Russian dictionary, HarperCollins, 1994.
"Nagant Model 1895 (M1895) Seven-Shot Service Revolver (1895)." Military Factory, 23 September 2016, www.militaryfactory.com/smallarms/detail.asp?smallarms_id=535.
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