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The Decameron by Boccaccio , 1350 년에서 1353 년 사이에 완성 된 100 개의 이야기 모음 인 보카치오의 데카메론은 오늘날 많은 사회에서도 여전히 금기시되는 주제로 간주되고 있다. 네덜란드 위트레흐트 대학교 (Universiteit Utrecht) 유학생 리포트

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"The Decameron by Boccaccio , 1350 년에서 1353 년 사이에 완성 된 100 개의 이야기 모음 인 보카치오의 데카메론은 오늘날 많은 사회에서도 여전히 금기시되는 주제로 간주되고 있다. 네덜란드 위트레흐트 대학교 (Universiteit Utrecht) 유학생 리포트"에 대한 내용입니다.




The Decameron by Boccaccio, a collection of 100 tales completed between 1350 and 1353, is written well ahead of its time as it places at the forefront of its narrative female sexuality which is still considered a taboo topic even in many of today’s societies. The audacity with which female characters in the Decameron displayed their sexual desires and explored their sexuality continues to fascinate female readers across time. As proclaimed in the proem, this text is profeminist in nature intended to vicariously free the female readers from the confines of patriarchal conventions which demanded qualities such as chastity, modesty and loyalty from women. However, ironically, those very aforementioned qualities are embodied by Griselda, the female protagonist in the last story of the Decameron, puzzling many readers as it seems that Boccaccio contradicts himself. It has been questioned for a long time whether Griselda even represents an ideal woman and if so, to what extent.

참고 자료

Allen, Shirley S., “The Griselda Tale and the Portrayal of Women in the ‘Decameron’”, Philological Quarterly, vol.56, no.1, Winter 1977.
Brent, Harry. “And Gladly Teche: ‘Stedfastnesse’ in the Clerk’s Tale and the Pedagogy of Charlton Laird”, The Legacy of Language: A Tribute to Charlton Laird. Ed. Phillip C. Boardman. Reno: University of Nevada Press, 1987. 1-19.
Boccaccio, Giovanni. “The Tenth Day, The Tenth Novell”, The Decameron, The Project Gutenberg EBook, Translated by John Payne, Dec 3, 2007. pp.13-832. http://pinkmonkey.com/dl/library1/b1.pdf.
Collinson, Toni. “Low Self-Esteem Linked to Domestic Violence”, ThoughtCo, 19 Jun.2019, https://www.thoughtco.com/low-self-esteem-linked-domestic-violence-3533790.
Suzuki, Mihoko. “Gender, Power, and the Female Reader: Boccaccio's ‘Decameron’ and Marguerite De Navarre's ‘Heptameron.’” Comparative Literature Studies, vol. 30, no. 3, 1993, pp. 231–252.
The Bible, “Ephesians 5”, New International Version, Biblica, 2011, 22-33.
Vasvári, Louise O. “The Story of Griselda As Silenced Incest Narrative” La Corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, vol. 35, no. 2, Spring 2007, pp.139-156.
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탑툰 이벤트
The Decameron by Boccaccio ,  1350 년에서 1353 년 사이에 완성 된 100 개의 이야기 모음 인 보카치오의 데카메론은 오늘날 많은 사회에서도 여전히 금기시되는 주제로 간주되고 있다.  네덜란드 위트레흐트 대학교 (Universiteit Utrecht) 유학생 리포트
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