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(A+ 학점 자료) 정치, 경제강의 레포트 - 일본과 국제사회 영어레포트

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6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Asian Value; the last bastion Japan rely on;
Changed situation, Different approach

How do you say if asked whether Japan have friendly relationships with the East Asian countries? The answer would be 'No'. It is obvious that Japan makes effort to build good relationship. However, there is no clear achievement. What is the reason? After the World War Ⅱ, Japan made effort to restore relationship with Asian countries. Its approach to other countries was focused on economic part. It could be effective when the other Asian countries were suffering from poverty except for Japan.

참고 자료

Gred L. "Asian Values revisited" Asia Europe journal 2003.
De Bary W. "Asian Values and Human Rights: A Confucian Communitarian Perspective." Harvard University Press, 1998
Mark R Thompson, "Pacific Asia after 'Asian values'", Third World Quarterly, 2004.
Yonhap News, “S, Korea, Japan set for show down on ‘comfort women’, 12/26/2015 Available at http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20151226000020
ong-ho Lee, “Study on Japanese policy of the East Asia”, Korea Univ., 2001
Dent, Christopher M. 2013. “Paths ahead for East Asia and Asia-Pacific regionalism”, International Affairs 89(4):963-85.
Young-joo Seo, “Research on foreign aid policy of Japan”, Korea Univ. ,1993
Eunae Cho, The leadership competition between China and East Asian, Korea Univ., 2014
Robert Keohane, “Reciprocity in International Relations,” International Organization 40. Winter 1986, P.5
Yoshimatsu, Hidetaka and D. Trinidad. 2010. "Development Assistance, Strategic Interests, and the China Factor in Japan's Role in ASEAN Integration." Japanese Journal of Political Science 11, p199 - 219.
Salna, Karlis and Adam Gartrell. 2013. Japan our best Asian friend: Abbott. Sydney, The Australian News. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/2013/10/09/
Schulz, Martin. 2013. "The Global Debt Crisis and the Shift of Japan's Economic Relations with Southeast Asia." , Journal of Southeast Asian Economies (JSEAE) 30 (2), p143-163.
Hana, Choi. "Implementation of BOP strategy in CSR-PPP for international Development; Japan's approach toward Southeast Asia", Korea Univ. 2014
Long Yang Li, "THe Political Economy of Leadership Competition Between China and Japan In East Asian Economic Integration". Korea Univ. 2014
Russell J. Dalton, “Authority Orientations and Democratic Attitudes: A Test of the ‘Asian Values’ Hypothesis”, Cambridge University Press, 2005, p1-4, 19
Arthur Hu, “An Introduction To Basic Asian Values”, 1985
Molly Elgin, “Asian Values”, Stanford Univ. 2010, p135-144
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