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The right to Whistle-blow - Internal case of Whistle-blowing in Republic of Korea

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11페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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내부고발의 권리 - 한국의 내부 사례를 중심으로



Ⅱ. Freedom of expression and the right to whistle-blow
1. The freedom of expression
2. Definition and legislation of the whistle-blowing system

Ⅲ. The right to whistle-blow
1.significance of whistle-blowing
2. Real cases of whistle-blowing in Korea

Ⅳ. Problem of whistle-blowing system: protection of whistle-blowers

Ⅴ. Simple suggestion

VI. Conclusion


In Korea, the duties and rights of civil servants are regulated by the National Civil Service Act, unlike in the private sphere. As well as civil servants' rights, whistle- blowing rights are more restricted than private areas. Among the many rights of civil servants, there was much controversy over freedom of speech and expression. Whistle-blowing is the disclosure by organization members (former or current) of illegal, immoral or illegitimate practices under the control of their employers, to persons or organizations that may be able to effect action.. This is a right that belongs to one of the freedoms of speech and expression. South Korea has also been preparing a law to protect whistle- blowers since 2001. There have been many cases involving whistle-blowing by civil servants. In recently, examples include whistle-blowing of NIS comments manipulation cases and whistle blowing of the KFDA.
I would like to look at the whistle-blowing cases in Korea. It will also be compared with U.S. the country which has well-running whistle-blowing systems, and analyze problems in the Korean whistle-blowing system. Finally, I will conclude by suggesting.

참고 자료

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The right to Whistle-blow - Internal case of Whistle-blowing in Republic of Korea
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