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파파존스 경영전략 분석, 경영전략 영문 보고서 리포트

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
13페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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"파파존스 경영전략 분석, 경영전략 영문 보고서 리포트"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Product differentiation
1) Product attributes
2) Product-consumer relationship
3) firm-to-firm or within firm linkages

2. The value of product differentiation
1) Threats
2) Opportunities

3. Analyze the type of strategy that Papa John’s used
1) Differentiation that focuses on product and consumer relations.
2) Differentiation that focuses on business-to-business linkages

4. Analyze the value of the strategy that Papa John’s used
1) Neutralize the threats
2) Exploit opportunities

5. Conclusion


Executive summary
Perhaps it is likely to be one of pizza brands such as Pizza Hut, Domino Pizza, Papa John's, and Little Caesars. Because these brands are the four major brands that account for 88 percent of pizza sales in the US restaurant industry.

Next, we look at the pizza industry in the US, which is a big business area that currently accounts for 6.7 percent of the US restaurant industry.

However, there is an intense competition among companies in the pizza industry. Because of the nature of the restaurant industry, in this industry investment costs are relatively low. So the barriers to entry are low. So many entrepreneurs have inspired the competition.

In addition, since the US subprime real estate crisis in 2008, consumer lighter wallets and a decline in the travel population have made people out of eating out and made competition more intense.

In other words, in order to survive this competition, companies had to build business-level strategies to keep potential consumers,......<중 략>

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2024년 06월 03일 월요일
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