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호주 간호학과 에세이 (Telehealth_,원격진료)

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호주 간호학과
원격진료 (Telehealth)에 관한 에세이 입니다,
원격진료의 정의, 호주 내 이용 현황, 이득과 과제 등에 관해 서술되었습니다.

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앞부분에는 원본 (영문), 뒤에는 한글 번역본 추가했습니다.

영어 첨삭 서비스 받아서 작성되었습니다.


1. Introduction

2. Body
1) The contemporary context of telehealth

3. Benefits of telehealth

4. Risks and Challenges of telehealth
1) Limitation of medical service via telehealth
2) Legal, economic and social issues

5. Conclusion

6. 소개

7. 본문
1) 원격 진료의 현대적 맥락

8. 원격 진료의 이점

9. 원격 진료의 위험과 과제
1) 원격진료를 통한 의료서비스 한계
2) 법적, 경제적, 사회적 문제

10. 결론


Today, the integration of medical services and technologies is emerging as a new sector of health care system. Telehealth is a new form of health care delivery that uses a broad range of telecommunication techniques to distribute healthcare resources and services bridging the distance for healthcare professionals and patients (Olson, & Thomas, 2017). Therefore, it improves the accessibility of health services in rural or remote areas and provides effective patient monitoring and management (Tuckson, Edmunds, & Hodgkins, 2017). However, there is a controversy with regard to the potential risks and negative aspects of telehealth, such as diagnostic errors caused by non-face-to-face patient consultations (McBride, & Tietze, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to explore the contemporary context of telehealth as well as its current application in diverse fields and users. In addition, the benefits of using telehealth on the ..

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참고 자료

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호주 간호학과 에세이 (Telehealth_,원격진료)
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