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미국대학원_과제_애널리틱스, 빅데이터 및 IoT 건설사 사업적용 제안서_Columbia Univ_Analytics_Proposal_IoT and Analytics in Construction

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
18페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 2,000원 할인쿠폰받기


"미국대학원_과제_애널리틱스, 빅데이터 및 IoT 건설사 사업적용 제안서_Columbia Univ_Analytics_Proposal_IoT and Analytics in Construction"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. The organization
1) Background
2) Problem

2. The first project
1) The Internet of Things and Analytics

3. Assessing the organization’s receptivity to starting this first project
1) The Pioneers
2) The Followers
3) The Resistance

4. The steps to getting this first project started
1) Establishing a Coalition
2) Delivering the Message to Allies

5. Assessing the organization’s receptivity to using the insights this first project generates
1) Application of IoT

6. The steps so that people use the insights of this first project
1) Making Analytics an Official Business
2) Developing Analytics Department

7. Expanding the impact

8. Creating a learning organization



eTEC Engineering & Construction, or eTEC in short, is a construction company whose main service is building industrial facilities such as petrochemical plants, power plants, and factories (the biggest business is oil production facilities). The company's slogan, “We build your dream” expresses its will to maximize customer satisfaction with eTEC by sharing and fostering the ideals and values that the customers pursue. The company was founded in 1997, and its revenue peaked in 2008 with $7 billion. Now the company has a total of 688 employees, $ 0.6 billion in 2016 revenue. The company’s organizational structure is as the following figure.

Since the economic downturn, the oil price has dropped (See Figure 1). The clients, who are usually the oil producers, in the oil market are much less motivated in expanding their infrastructure for oil production. Hence, eTEC was not earning enough contracts, and its main business, the construction of oil facilities, was severely damaged.

참고 자료

Thomas H. Davenport (2014). Big Data @ Work.
Padraig Scully. “New Report Indicates US$11 Billion Predictive Maintenance Market By 2022, Driven By IoT Technology And New Services.” IOT ANALYTICS (March 21, 2017) https://iot-analytics.com/report-us11-billion-predictive-maintenance-market-by-2022/
Janina Bartje. “The top 10 IoT application areas – based on real IoT projects.” IOT ANALYTICS (August 16, 2016) https://iot-analytics.com/top-10-iot-project-application-areas-q3-2016/
James Manyika, Michael Chui, Peter Bisson, Jonathan Woetzel, Richard Dobbs, Jacques Bughin, Dan Aharon. (2015). “THE INTERNET OF THINGS: MAPPING THE VALUE BEYOND THE HYPE.” MCKinsey GLOBAL INSTITUTE.
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