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소셜 미디어의 발달로 인해 매니져 (managerial roles)의 역할이 어떻게 변화하였는가에 대한 다양한 고찰을 풀어낸 영문 리포트입니다.

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"소셜 미디어의 발달로 인해 매니져 (managerial roles)의 역할이 어떻게 변화하였는가에 대한 다양한 고찰을 풀어낸 영문 리포트입니다."에 대한 내용입니다.




In the past, the management of organisations was structured hierarchically. However, social media, considered one of the best innovations of the twenty-first century, has brought great changes to the role of managers by revolutionising communications technology and globalising the media industry. The awareness of humankind has increased on a global scale. This advancement has modified perspectives on the management of organisations.

참고 자료

Aguenza, B.B. and Som, A.P.M., 2012. A conceptual analysis of social networking and its impact on employee productivity. IOSR Journal of Business and Management, 1(2), pp.48-52.
Benzie, R., 2007. Facebook banned for Ontario staffers. The Star. Retrieved July, 21, p.2007.
Leonardi, P.M., 2015. Ambient awareness and knowledge acquisition using social media to learn "who knows what" and "who knows whom" Management information systems: mis quarterly, 39(4), pp.747–762.
Maecker, O., Barrot, C. & Becker, J., 2016. The effect of social media interactions on customer relationship management. Business Research, 9(1), pp.133–155.
Mintzberg, H 2015, ‘Managers are more connected, but not for the better’, Harvard Business Review, July. pp. 1 - 4.
Mintzberg, H 2015, ‘We need both networks and communities’, Harvard Business Review, October. pp.1 - 4.
Mutjaba, B & McFarlane, DA 2005, Traditional and virtual performance management functions in the age of information technology, The Review of Business Information Systems Journal, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 53-64.
Paniagua & Sapena, 2014. Business performance and social media: Love or hate? Business Horizons, 57(6), pp.719–728.
Peacock, L., 2008. Employers watch Facebook usage. Employers’ Law, 4(4), pp.1-3.
Poba-Nzaou, P, Lemieux, N, Beaupré, D Uwizeyemungu, S 2016, Critical challenges associated with the adoption of social media: a Delphi of a panel of Canadian human resources managers, Journal of Business Research, vol. 69, pp. 4011–4019.
Thackeray, R. and Neiger, B.L., 2009. A multidirectional communication model: Implications for social marketing practice. Health promotion practice, 10(2), pp.171-175.
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소셜 미디어의 발달로 인해 매니져 (managerial roles)의 역할이 어떻게 변화하였는가에 대한 다양한 고찰을 풀어낸 영문 리포트입니다.
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