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한국 조기영어교육의 성공/실패사례와 관련한 논문

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 5,000원 할인쿠폰받기


우리나라 조기영어교육에 학기말 제출 소논문으로 참고문헌 포함 총 17페이지로
구성되어 있습니다. 조기교육이 성공적이었던/성공적이지 않았던 cases들을 논의하고 그 원인과 함의에 대해 논하였습니다.


1. Abstract

2. Introduction

3. Literature Review
1) Background Factors of Successful Early Learners
2) Background Factors of Unsuccessful Early Learners
3) The Current Situation of Early English Education in Korea
4) Discussion

4. Conclusion and Implication

5. References


English has become a strong capital to achieve social and academic success for individuals in many non-English speaking countries, and South Korea is one of them. South Korean parents aggressively invest a massive amount of money and time in early English education for their children to be ready for the future. In this context, there have been many debates on whether early English education is necessary and how it should be implemented. In this regard, this paper aims to examine the background factors of successful and unsuccessful early learners of English and analyze the current situation of Korean early English education. The results showed that successful learners often learned English in ESL contexts, or in some cases of EFL where parents actively participated in English education at home as well as showed a great interest in children’s education. On the other hand, unsuccessful learners learned English in other common EFL contexts..

<중 략>

참고 자료

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