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메리 아스텔 '결혼에 대한 비판적 고찰' 독후감

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Mary Astell is well-known for her pioneering feminist criticism of women's imperfect reality and advocating women's universities. Still, she is also renowned for her support of the Anglican Church and the Tory party. So on the other hand, Perry argues that Astell has a limited view of feminism because of its conservative political and religious belief (Perry, 444), and Hilda Smith says that even though Mary Astell's traditional values have acted as a hindrance, she has successfully overcome them and progressive feminism ideas, and more thanks to this belief in the Tory party and the Anglican church, which is critical of women in the 17th century. In this paper, I think that there was Astell's contribution in the development of feminism consciousness in the women's debate in England at the end of the 17th century, through her growth background and relationships with people at the time she was working as a writer.

참고 자료

Joan K. Kinnaird, "Mary Astell and the Conservative Contribution of English Feminism," Journal of British Studies 19.1, 1979, p 53-75. www.Cambridge.org/core/journals/journal-of-british-studies/article/mary-astell-and-the-conservative-contribution-to-english-feminism/CF40CFF38C47B50AA0744BC5C69AFDD. Accessed 28 October 2019.
Karl D. Bulbring, "Defoe and Mary Astell," Academy 39, 1891, p 259.
Jerome Nadelhaft, "Englishwoman's Sexual Civil War. Feminist Attitudes towards Men, Women, and Marriage 1650-1740," Journal of the History of Ideas 43-4, 1982, p. 555-556. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2709343. Accessed 29 October 2019.
Hill, Bridget. The First English Feminist: Reflections upon marriage and other writings by Mary Astell. St. Martin's Press, 1986, p.6. Arus.Letras.up.pt/handle/123456789/102644. Accessed 30 October 2019.
Perry, Ruth, The celebrated Mary Astell: An Early English Feminist, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986, p. 444, http://philpapers.org/rec/PERTCM-2. Accessed 27 October 2019.
Astell, Mary. Reflections upon Marriage, Mary Astell, R. Wilkin, 1706. Google Books. http://books.google.co.kr/books?id=2hFw-ejdRrkC&pg=PA8&dq=reflections+upon+marriage&hl=ko&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjJsqjh09LIAhXFMd4KHSZhBd4Q6AEIMTAB#v=onepage&q=reflections%20upon%20marriage&f=false. Accessed 28 October 2019.
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