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일본의 1955년 시스템에 대한 영문에세이입니다.

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일본 자료가 많이 없어 고생했는데 1955년 체제 특징과 사실을 바탕으로 본인의 분석이 많이 들어갔다고 교수님께서 만족스러워하셨던 에세이입니다. 당연히 에이뿔입니다.


1. Intro
2. 1955년 시스템 특징
3. 파생된 경제성공(성공)
4. 파생된 부패(실패)
5. Concl



Japan is a democratic country that has developed under a unique system after the World War. The unique system which is evaluated as uncommon democracy is the 1955 system. The 1955 system refers to 38 years of Japanese politics, from the establishment of one-party dominant system in 1955 to 1993 when Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) defeated in the general election. The reason it is called the 1955 system is because Japan's specific system and patterns formed in 1955 lasted 38 years greatly influencing Japan.

참고 자료

Jeff Kingston, “Japan in Transformation 1945-2010”, Longman, 2010, pp.21-23 & pp.24-26.
Kim Yong-bok. “How was Japan's Long-term Conservative Government Possible?”. 55 Years of System Maintenance and Its Termination”. Ctizen&the World, no.13, 2008, pp.207-210. Accessed 6th Oct 2020.
Kwon Hong-woo. “Double the national income! The best-ever boom”. Seoul Economy, 27th Dec 2016. https://www.sedaily.com/NewsVIew/1L5EOV4C6N. Accessed 13th Oct 2020.
Lee Jong-gu. “Japan's Corruption Problems and Reform Discussions”. Korean Society Association, vol.57, 2000, p.152. Accessed 6th Oct 2020.
Lee Jung-hwan. “Japan’s Postwar Political Economic System and Structural Reform Discourse”. Modern Japan Association, no.44, 2016, pp.40-42. Accessed 5th Oct 2020.
Lee Sang-hun. “Party Politics and Corruption in Japan”. The East Asian Association of International Studies, vol.5 , no.2, 2002, pp.144-151. Accessed 14th Oct 2020.
Michio Muramatsu. “Bringing Politics Back into Japan”, Daedalus, 119:3, (Summer, 1990), pp.147-149.
Naverblog. “The Development Process of the Japanese Economy After the Meiji Restoration”. 26th March 2014, https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=proshadow&logNo=90192198483&proxyReferer=https:%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F. Accessed 13th Oct 2020.
Naver_Encyclopedia. https://terms.naver.com/entry.nhn?docId=72107&cid=43667&categoryId=43667.
Sun Wu-jung. “The Way of Korea Economy”. Chosunilbo. 29th Oct 2007, https://www.chosun.com/site/data/html_dir/2007/10/29/2007102901473.html. Accessed 11th Oct 2020
Yoon Soon-bong. “Ikeda Prime Minister's National Income Doubling Plan”. Yoonsb, 19th Dec 2003, https://yoonsb.com/2003/12/19/%ec%9d%bc%eb%b3%b8-%ec%9d%b4%ec%bc%80%eb%8b%a4-%ec%88%98%ec%83%81%ec%9d%98-%ea%b5%ad%eb%af%bc%ec%86%8c%eb%93%9d%eb%b0%b0%ec%a6%9d%ea%b3%84%ed%9a%8d%e5%9c%8b%e6%b0%91%e6%89%80%e5%be%97%e5%80%8d/#_Toc466226790, Accessed 6th Oct 2020.
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