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정신간호학실습)) Vsim - GRQ (소감문)

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"정신간호학실습)) Vsim - GRQ (소감문)"에 대한 내용입니다.

Mental Health part의 David Carter, Li Na Chen, Randy Adams, Sharon Cole, Sandra Littlefield의 시뮬레이션 진행에 대한 소감/감상문입니다. (Vsim 마지막 단계인 Guided Reflection Question)


① David Carter 1 (Schizophrenia)
② David Carter 2 (Schizophrenia)
③ Sharon Cole (Bipolar Disorder)
④ Li Na Chen 1 (MMD, Major Depressive Disorder)
⑤ Li Na Chen 2 (MMD, Major Depressive Disorder)
⑥ Randy Adams (PTSD, Posttraumatic stress disorder)
⑦ Sandra Littlefield (Borderline Personality Disorder)


David Carter 1 (Schizophrenia)
Opening Questions
1. How did the simulated experience of David Carter’s case make you feel?
I was very nervous to start his case, as this type of simulation is very different from any that we have done before. I really wasn't sure of what to expect, so I wasn't able to prepare like I have before starting previous simulations. Now, once I got started, I was actually pleasantly surprised at the various options for communication. That was something that I felt was lacking in the simulations we have done for other classes, so it was nice to be able to choose how to respond to David. Overall, I felt slightly calmer during the simulation as he wasn't acting violently, so I was able to try to think my way through the assesment questions that needed to be completed and the proper therapeutic responses. However, I thought it was good first experience with mental health virtual simulations.

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정신간호학실습)) Vsim - GRQ (소감문)
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