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쿠팡과 쿠팡이츠 사례로 살펴본 기술발전의 경영상 양면성(영문)

최초 등록일
최종 저작일
17페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
가격 1,500원 할인쿠폰받기


"쿠팡과 쿠팡이츠 사례로 살펴본 기술발전의 경영상 양면성(영문)"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction

2. Big data and AI(Artificial Intelligence)
1) Advancing technology and its use

3. Coupang's Technologies
1) Coupang’s Appearance
2) Evolution of Data Platforms
3) Coupang's direction after 'Rocket Delivery'

4. Coupang’s Distribution Innovation and Price drop
1) Amazon effect
2) The Relationship Between Consumer Price and Amazon Effect
3) Price-setting algorithms and tech-driven deflation

5. Issues about systematization of work
1) Characteristics of delivery platform
2) Delivery Rider Labor Environment have Changed With AI Systems
3) Classification and legal environment of special employment in Korea

6. Conclusion

7. References


Ⅰ. Introduction
Due to the spread of Covid-19, we are now living in the so-called 'untact era'. Many people have lost their jobs, and economic conditions have changed from before Covid-19. However, there are companies that have been growing in this situation, representing the medical and pharmaceutical industries and distribution industries. In particular, the distribution industry has been actively platforming through smartphone applications since before the Corona era and has recently been effective.

참고 자료

「Big data」, <wikipidia>, 2021.04.27.(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_data )
「Big data」, <naver>, 2021.04.27.(https://terms.naver.com/entry.naverdocId=1691554&cid=42171&categoryId=42183)
「History of Coupang」, <Coupang>, 2021.04.27.(https://news.coupang.com/archives/3348 )
「Coupang data system revolution」, 2021.05.01. (https://medium.com/coupang-tech/%EC%BF%A0%ED%8C%A1-%EB%8D%B0%EC%9D%B4%ED%84%B0-%ED%94%8C%EB%9E%AB%ED%8F%BC%EC%9D%98-%EC%A7%84%ED%99%94-26c827c1ec09)
「쿠팡 AI가 물가 낮췄다?...인공지능끼리 '가격전쟁'」, <Lee Duk Joo>, https://www.mk.co.kr/news/business/view/2019/10/801928/
「More Amazon Effects: Online Competition and Pricing Behaviors」, <Alberto Cavallo>,(https://www.nber.org/papers/w25138)
Jim Rogers, The age of crisis, 2020, 송태욱 역, 「대전환의 시대」, 알파미디어, 2021
「The 'Amazon Effect' Is Changing Online Price Competition—and the Fed Needs to Pay Attention」, <Alberto Cavallo>, (https://hbswk.hbs.edu/item/the-amazon-effect-is-changing-online-price-competition-and-the-fed-needs-to-pay-attention)
Jeff Booth, The price of tomorrow, 2021
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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