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저항론 과제3_Holtrop method

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"저항론 과제3_Holtrop method"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. What is Holtrop’s method?
2. Estimate the total resistance ��� at 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 knots using Holtrop’s empirical method
3. Compare the total resistance with the predicted total resistances from ITTC 1957 and ITTC 1978
4. Comparison of total resistance with variation of L, B, T, ���, and other components
5. Consideration for the better hull form
6. References


1. What is Holtrop’s method?
1.1 Empirical Prediction of Resistance
It easy to predict the resistance of similar ships based on model ships and actual previous ships. And it can be applied for hull form design using optimum design variables.
But It has limitation to prediction the resistance of a completely new hull form or the local variation of hull form
1.2 Holtrop’s method

Holtrop (1984)
It was extended using 334 model test results including Series 64 hull form (Yeh, 1965) based on Holtrop et. al (1982).

It was calculated below formulation.
�!"= �#(1 + �)+�$%%+�& + �'+�!(+�)
�# : friction resistance of ITTC1957
1+k: form factor, �#(1 + �) is viscous resistance � *
�$%%: appendage resistance
�&: wave-making resistance
(�&is divided into �&+), �&+', and �& according to the Froud number. Froud number at the ship speed we will use is all less than 0.4, so we must calculate the �&+))

�' : additional pressure resistance due to bulbous bow
�!( : additional pressure resistance due to submerged transom stern
�) : model-ship correlation allowance

참고 자료

Resistance Lecture Note. Kwang-Jun Paik, Inha Univ
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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