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Success factor of Korean pop musical_focusing on nostalgia and familiarity

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9페이지/파일확장자 어도비 PDF
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"Success factor of Korean pop musical_focusing on nostalgia and familiarity"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Introduction
2. Korean pop musical
3. Success factor of ‘Gwanghwamun love song
4. Limit of pop musical
5. Connection with another X-factor
6. Conclusion


1. Introduction
Popular music has X-factor which make the song be loved. Among them, I’d like to focus on nostalgia and familiarity. Nostalgia has many interpretations. The dictionary meaning of nostalgia is an affectionate feeling you have for the past, especially for a particularly happy time(Naver dictionary). Davis(1979) said it is ventilation of positively colored memories of the past. Solomon(1996) said it is past sadness or longing. Belk(1990) said it is a kind of missed atmosphere promoted by the tension of an object, scene, smell, music, etc.
Music makes us go to the past. When I was a freshman of my university, there was a song I often listened to. I listened to that song while I worked part-time at a convenient store. Even now, when I listened to it, I remind that time. I can feel the feeling and warm weather of that time with it. For these reasons, people tend to like the music which make nostalgia.
When we listen to the song we know, we feel familiarity as well.

참고 자료

Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner ’s English Dictionary
김려원(2016). 한국 주크박스 뮤지컬에 대한 연구.
노창현(2019). 대중음악 복고 현상에서 문화 기억의 작동방식 연구.
유은원(2010). 음악의 형태가 노인의 회상 유도에 미치는 효과 : 기악산조와 Adagio를 중 심으로.
이가은(2019). 국내 뮤지컬의 관객개발을 위한 CRM(고객관계관리) 활성화 방안 연구.
이상원(2014). 음악콘텐츠의 브랜드 가치를 활용한 팝뮤지컬의 향수(Nostalgia)가 관객에 게 미치는 효과.
이현정(2013). 문화산업의 관점에서 본 국내 뮤지컬의 현황과 발전방안.
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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Success factor of Korean pop musical_focusing on nostalgia and familiarity
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