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[Thermal Conductivity] 결과레포트/성균관대학교

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최종 저작일
6페이지/워드파일 MS 워드
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Thermal Conductivity 실험에 대한 결과레포트입니다.


1. Title

2. Objective

3. Result
A. Raw data

4. Discussion
A. Draw diagram of the temperature gradient regarding the distance change from the heater.
B. Calculate the thermal conductivities of the test pieces based on the experimental results.
C. Discuss the situation when the experiment is performed at different temperatures 100℃, 200℃ and 300℃

5. Factors of error
A. Flow rate
B. Heat loss
C. Technical failure in apparatus
D. Silicon compound
E. Misalignment
F. Contact resistance

6. Summary

7. Reference


1. Title
Thermal Conductivity

2. Objective
Furnaces or chemistry plants need insulation materials and heat protection equipment. To design equipment, heat loss needs to be calculated. Thermal conductivity is essential information for the calculations.

<중 략>

C. Discuss the situation when the experiment is performed at different temperatures 100℃, 200℃ and 300℃
(1) We performed the experiment near 200℃. (test piece A in 201℃ and 233℃ / test piece B in 200℃ and 230℃). If only the temperature changed to 300℃ and other conditions are same, the temperature difference between the ambient and the heat source will be greater than the experiment of 200℃. The greater temperature difference is associated with an increase in amount of heat lost. The increase in temperature difference will increase the amount of heat lost by heat flow about conduction, convection, and radiation although there is a hold protector that have a role of preventing heat loss.

참고 자료

‘Chemical Engineering Laboratory 2’, Sungkyunkwan University School of Chemical Engineering, 2021, p25~35
A.Fick, Philosophical Magazine Series 4, 1941-5990, Volume 10, Issue 63, Pages 30 – 39
A. Fick, Poggendorff's Annel. Physik. (1855), 94, 59
Fourier, J. the Analytical Theory of Heat, Transfer by A. Freeman. New York, Dover, 1955 P.55
Unit Operations in Chemical Engineering 5th edition, Warren McCabe, Julian Smith, Peter Harriott, 1993
Fundamentals of Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer 6th edition, James R. Welty, Gregory L.Rorrer, David G. Foster, 2014, p220~224
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[Thermal Conductivity] 결과레포트/성균관대학교
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