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2021 Spring Freshman Writing Intensive Seminar Final Paper

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"2021 Freshman Writing Intensive Seminar Final Paper"에 대한 내용입니다.


1. Succinctly present the author’s main argument (no more than 1 page) using direct or indirect citation from the author’s text.
2. Write your own position regarding the main argument, and defend your own position with specific examples/counter-examples or analogies. In so doing, integrate what the additional source(s) of your choice has to say about your position.


Robert Nozick (1938-2002) is a renowned philosopher in the theory of justice who contends that “the minimal state is the most extensive state justified” and that the state is violating individuals’ rights if they are providing a wider role than the minimal state (Nozick, 149). A retrospective analysis into justice by Salahuddin A, the author of Robert Nozick’s Entitlement Theory of Justice, Libertarian Rights and the Minimal State: A Critical Evaluation, reveals that Nozick’s standpoint is flawed for various reasons. A flaw in Nozickian proviso reveals that his principle of justice in acquisition contradicts his claim that his entitlement theory of justice is a historical principle, but not a patterned principle. Next his definition of the term justice in the principle of justice in transfer is vague. Another flaw is the limited application of the principle of justice in rectification. Finally, his argument on taxation of labour income is “on a par with forced labour” is misleading (Nozick, 169).

참고 자료

A, Salahuddin. “Robert Nozick’s Entitlement Theory of Justice, Libertarian Rights and the Minimal State: A Critical Evaluation.” Journal of Civil & Legal Sciences, vol. 07, no. 01, 2018. Crossref, doi:10.4172/2169-0170.1000234.
Erdenk, E. A. (2010). Problems of Robert Nozick’s Principle of Justice in Acqusition: Nozick’s Misunderstanding of the Nozickean Proviso and Its Consequences [1]. Journal of Alternative Perspectives in Human Sciences.
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